Saturday, May 9, 2009

What do dreams mean?

I had the weirdest dream last night. I blame it on the good garlic I had at my favorite Italian Restaurant and the donair my husband came home with at 12:30 last nigth (he plays cards with our friends friday evenings) Of course I had to have a few bites.

One of my "bestest" friends moved away last year. We use to sit in her living room and talk all the time. Well I had a dream about her last night. For the life of me I can't see any purpose to the dream. I had a dream that her doctor told her to stop wearing her underwear and start wearing special spandex under's. Well my sister (partner in crime) and myself were sitting in her living room (at her old house) watching her fold clothes. As she would haul her underwear out to fold she would put them in the "salvation army" clothing bag. But the weird part was (as if that isn't weird) all the underwear had skid marks. LIKE WHAT PURPOSE DID THIS DREAM SERVE.

This morning I called her and told her the dream. I don't know if she found it as funny as we did as she was the one with the skid mark under's. I think maybe her husband was wearing her unders as I can't see such a clean woman having these undes. I wonder if I should look on a website of dreams to see what it means.

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