Friday, May 22, 2009

Washroom Etiquette

What a great day - so sunny and warm out.

Each morning my father sends all his children (5 of us) a good morning e-mail. He gives us a little weather update from his part of the world and a brief overview of his daily activites. This morning I had to laugh out loud. My mother is a "professional shopper" who is always saving my father money LOL. Her is what he wrote this morning (Qe is Queen Elizabeth which is what my father always calls her - her name is Elizabeth) "Qe is excited because Sears has a big sale on Sunday. I suppose she will buy me some new clothes like she always does. Funny she is always buying ME the strangest things. A new purse or A few new dress, or a new bra or two.. She never buys anything for herself, it is always for me. STRANGE???" He is so sarcastic - just so funny.

I went to the dinner theatre last night with my "Peeps" - girlfriends. After it was all over we went to pay and I had to run to the washroom. As I approached the washroom door I could smell somthing FOUL. I walked in and these words just escaped my lips "SOMMMMMEBODY LOST THEIR GUTS IN HERE (my sister keeps telling me to think before I speak but I always forget). I then had to leave or be sick. My girlfriend came out and said "that was you in the bathroom who said that" How did she know. She announced to us that it was not her (thank God). d

This reminds me of the time my sister (partner in crime) and her husband went to a local farm for a work function. Her husband took with a cramp after the supper so ran of to the washroom. As he sat their minding his own business, the guy in the next stall wasn't. He sung out "SOMEBODY'S HAVING A GOOD TIME". My brother in law was mortified - he finished up, ran out and washed his hands and got out of there before his "neighbour" could see his face.

What a shitty subject LOL

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