Tuesday, May 26, 2009


For anyone who knows me, they will tell you that I have a reading disorder. Have had it for at least 36 years. My parents still tease me about the time we came up to 2 buildings and I said the name of the first building but spelt the name of the second.

Well times sure have not changed. Today I was driving to the barn to get my daughter and I seen a sign at a store that read AVA LABLE. Since I have a new neice named AVA I thought the store owner must of had a child. As I got closer I started thinging that was a weird last name. I read the word above it and it said Scoop. Weird or what. As I passed the store I looked again and the words were SCOOP AVAILABLE. Someone had put the AVA ILABLE apart and from a distance I just didn't see the I. Scoop Available or Ava Lable - whats the difference LOL.

Of course I get to the barn and speak to Pam, the owner, about getting some manure for our new veggie garden. She said they have many years - vintage years actually. We laugh and then I add your manure is like a fine wine. Vintage and the older it gets the better.

That Pam sure has some funny stories. She was telling me about the time one of the horses was really sick. She had to leave our area and go 4 hours to the horse hospital. Her friend accompanied her on the trip. By the time they go to the hospital she said they were full of manure, snot, spite and blood. It was around 1 at night and they didn't have a change of clothes. They checked into a hotel that was changing their computer system over to something "more modern". The clerk gave them a key. Both ladies were exhaused and couldn't wait to get a hot shower and some sleep. As Pam entered the room she flicked on the light and stopped dead in her tracks. Her friend being a little more excited to get in pushed Pam out of the way and stormed into the room only to be greeted by an elder couple sleeping in the bed. The couple screamed, Pam and her friend screamed and they both took of running. The clerk gave them a new room. The next morning at breakfast the elder couple kept pointing and glearing at them. Poor ladies, just trying to save a sick horse and almost ended up in jail for B&E LOLOL

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