Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Stages of FUNNY

Last evening my husband and myself decided to take a walk down the river on our property. We are on the hunt for flat rocks for a walk way and the river has them. I found 2 beautiful rocks - I carried one back through the mud and trees to our property - on the way my boots both got stuck in the mud. I didn't know what to do - here I am holding a 20lb rock that I didn't want to loose and the only way I could walk was to step out of my boots. Luckily my husband came to my rescue.
My stepdaughters school had a riot yesterday (bad thing in my good block - I KNOW). My stepdaughter called my husband to tell him and he told her to get away from the school right way as there were 30 police cars, ambulence and fire trucks going to the school. He wanted to get her away from the fighting, pepper spray and traffic. (Side note - school was cancelled but buses had to be called and get to the school so it could have taken hours). When we sat around to talk about the days events she started laughing. We looked at her as if to say "what is so funny" She said it was hilarious to watch all these "tough" kids fighting and as soon as the police pulled out the pepper spray the fighters all turned and started running. Like I said - different stages of funny. She found it funny and we were concerned.

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