Sunday, May 3, 2009

This morning was so beautiful. I hopped out of bed, made coffee and went on the back deck to see if I could see a bunny. I SAW 2. They were so nice hopping across my yard. My dog seen them and started breathing really hard. About 20 minutes later my sister showed up for her Sunday morning coffee with her dog. I was telling her and my husband how weird the dog was just breathing hard at the bunnies. I imitated the dog - they were not impressed. They asked me not to do it again HAHA I guess I didn't breath exactly like the dog.
We attending a Cancer fundraiser dance last evening. We had so much fun people watching. Hard to believe that you can take people from their home town but you can't the home town out of the people. We are from an island - alot of people leave for work. BUT no matter where they are when they find out that there is going to be a dance playing our traditional type of music, they hall out their mullets, acid wash jeans and best red lipstick and start dancing. Age does not matter. The dance didn't start until 9:30 but at 7:30 car loads of elder people were coming into the hall to get a good seat. When the music started they were the first on the floor.There were over 800 people in attendance. The group who sponsored the event made over $10,000 for cancer research. AMAZING.
I bought my groceries today - the best thing I bought was a set of JAX. Not sure if anyone still plays them - I hadn't seen them in years. My husband thought I was nuts HAHA (whats new). I had to get them and can't wait for someone to visit with small children so we can have a game. When my sister came over earlier she seen them and immediately start telling stories about us playing them in the middle of moms kitchen. The JAX were only $2, the best $2 I have spent in a long time.

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