Thursday, May 28, 2009

Good Hair Day

Well if I must say so myself I AM HAVING A GOOD HAIR DAY. I find that your hair style determines how your day will go. You wake up with bad hair and you have a bad day. You feel dirty, flat, crazy - what ever your hair does in the morning is YOU. I remember when we had all ringlets around our heads and used a pick to comb them out ever so gently and a can of hairspray to hold them in place. Or when we had the spiral perms and sprayed a can of hairspray on our "WINGS" to hold them in place. Dear a good wind come along we would have taken flight. Our bangs were sprayed approximately 12 inches straight up from our forehead. Yes we had good hair in the 80's and 90's. I had my hair a little longer than most, I think. It was the winter of 1995 that I finally got it all cut of and colored. The year my daughter was born. Couldn't have big out of style hair and look after a child at the same time. So I sacrificed my hair. No big loss, now that I look back at the pics.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


This morning at 6 I got up and died my hair. If you know me you are not surprised. I also put on a load of clothes and hung it out before I came to work. I have lots of energy in the morning. When my hair was finished I jumped in the shower to wash out the color. Even thought the instructions say just rinse and condition I always put shampoo in to tone down the color just a bit (take the edge of). Well, after I shampoo and condition I take down my scrunchy and put body wash on it. Well as soon as I look at the bottle of body wash I realize I have WASHED MY HAIR WITH BODY WASH not shampoo. I had to rewash my hair again. BUMMER. It looks good though. :)

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


For anyone who knows me, they will tell you that I have a reading disorder. Have had it for at least 36 years. My parents still tease me about the time we came up to 2 buildings and I said the name of the first building but spelt the name of the second.

Well times sure have not changed. Today I was driving to the barn to get my daughter and I seen a sign at a store that read AVA LABLE. Since I have a new neice named AVA I thought the store owner must of had a child. As I got closer I started thinging that was a weird last name. I read the word above it and it said Scoop. Weird or what. As I passed the store I looked again and the words were SCOOP AVAILABLE. Someone had put the AVA ILABLE apart and from a distance I just didn't see the I. Scoop Available or Ava Lable - whats the difference LOL.

Of course I get to the barn and speak to Pam, the owner, about getting some manure for our new veggie garden. She said they have many years - vintage years actually. We laugh and then I add your manure is like a fine wine. Vintage and the older it gets the better.

That Pam sure has some funny stories. She was telling me about the time one of the horses was really sick. She had to leave our area and go 4 hours to the horse hospital. Her friend accompanied her on the trip. By the time they go to the hospital she said they were full of manure, snot, spite and blood. It was around 1 at night and they didn't have a change of clothes. They checked into a hotel that was changing their computer system over to something "more modern". The clerk gave them a key. Both ladies were exhaused and couldn't wait to get a hot shower and some sleep. As Pam entered the room she flicked on the light and stopped dead in her tracks. Her friend being a little more excited to get in pushed Pam out of the way and stormed into the room only to be greeted by an elder couple sleeping in the bed. The couple screamed, Pam and her friend screamed and they both took of running. The clerk gave them a new room. The next morning at breakfast the elder couple kept pointing and glearing at them. Poor ladies, just trying to save a sick horse and almost ended up in jail for B&E LOLOL

Friday, May 22, 2009

Why Me!!!

Of course today is like every other. It is casual day at work but I felt the top I had on was to business like so I decide to run to the mall downstairs and pick up a tshirt. I came back to the office and needed to change but our office is all windows. My office has windows towards the hall where everyone walks by. I decide to crouch down behind my desk and whip of my top and put on my new shirt. While I was gone one of the guys come into my office to borrowed something from my desk and LOW AND BEHOLD wouldn't this be the exact time that he decides to return it. He walks into my office right around my desk to see me under it with my back exposed. THANK GOD I can dress fast and he seem my back and not my front. All in a days work.

Spell Check

I am not sure why this blog does not have spell check. This is the email I just received from my sister (we will call her wise owl) who just read todays blog

So, when you say Mom is a professional shipper, do you mean shopper or stripper? Think I know the answer but just had to ask!!!!

I will go edit I guess LOL

Washroom Etiquette

What a great day - so sunny and warm out.

Each morning my father sends all his children (5 of us) a good morning e-mail. He gives us a little weather update from his part of the world and a brief overview of his daily activites. This morning I had to laugh out loud. My mother is a "professional shopper" who is always saving my father money LOL. Her is what he wrote this morning (Qe is Queen Elizabeth which is what my father always calls her - her name is Elizabeth) "Qe is excited because Sears has a big sale on Sunday. I suppose she will buy me some new clothes like she always does. Funny she is always buying ME the strangest things. A new purse or A few new dress, or a new bra or two.. She never buys anything for herself, it is always for me. STRANGE???" He is so sarcastic - just so funny.

I went to the dinner theatre last night with my "Peeps" - girlfriends. After it was all over we went to pay and I had to run to the washroom. As I approached the washroom door I could smell somthing FOUL. I walked in and these words just escaped my lips "SOMMMMMEBODY LOST THEIR GUTS IN HERE (my sister keeps telling me to think before I speak but I always forget). I then had to leave or be sick. My girlfriend came out and said "that was you in the bathroom who said that" How did she know. She announced to us that it was not her (thank God). d

This reminds me of the time my sister (partner in crime) and her husband went to a local farm for a work function. Her husband took with a cramp after the supper so ran of to the washroom. As he sat their minding his own business, the guy in the next stall wasn't. He sung out "SOMEBODY'S HAVING A GOOD TIME". My brother in law was mortified - he finished up, ran out and washed his hands and got out of there before his "neighbour" could see his face.

What a shitty subject LOL

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I havn't written in a few days - had to give a presentation for work yesterday and I was pretty nervous so I had to practice, practice, practice. I would like to thank my family for their suport - my husband walked out of the room while I was practicing in front of him (guess he didn't understand when I said you can be my audience) and my step daughter kept turning the stero louder the louder I talked. Made for a great confidence building exercise. LOL

I have been thinking about changing my answering machine message at home. I always have a great message but lately I have just changed it to a plain old ordinary message. My winter message was (to the toon jingle bells) "WE'RE NOT HERE RIGHT NOW, WE'RE OUT SHOVELLING SNOW, IF YOU LEAVE A MESSAGE I WILL LET THEM KNOW. OH SHOVELLING SNOW SHOVELLING SNOW, WE'RE OUT SHOVELLING SNOW, FROM DECEMBER TO NOVEMBER WE'RE OUT SHOVELLING SNOW" (you have to put on your evil elf voice for the last section. It was so funny, I had many calls and hang up's (the kids friends phoning to hear it) One lady at the car dealership where we bought our car called to see how our service had been. The message was all laughing and then she spoke. A few weeks later my daughters boyfriend came over telling us that his friends mother had the same message as we did. I think he thought I didn't make it up after all. Well, me being me, had to investigate this farther. I asked where she worked and LOW AND BEHOLD, she worked at the car dealership. It was the lady who had called the house. She had stole my jingle.

I always make good jingles up while driving in the car but can't seem to remember them when I get home. I have a good one for the fall of the year, sung to the toon of the Adams family. Need a good spring song to make one up to.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Emergency Dept

I hate being left alone for any length of time. Yes I enjoy the quiet but sometimes it can be boring. I remember one time, over the christmas break, we were down to only 2 staff one Friday (we are slow during the break) One of my co-workers went to get his lunch so I had to stay behind to man the phones. Well, since the phones were not ringing I decided to go in the kitchen and read the newspaper. I have to admit, I dozed of for a few minutes. I didn't even realize it. I must have just put my head against my arm and presto ASLEEP. Anyway the phone rang so I jumped up grabed my tea and ran - my foot was asleep. I stepped on it and there was no support. I went flying (literally) through the kitchen door, across the hall and into our board room. Well who should be coming in through the door was my co-worker. He thought it was funny. I realized I was in pain, fainted (yes fainted). When I came to I said to my co-worker call me sister (partner in crime) because I have sprained my ankle and have to go to the hospital. Needless to say 7 1/2 hours later I left emergency. The reason I know I was asleep is that when I came to from fainting my co-worker asked if I had been asleep. I said no, he said the reason I know you are lying is that you have a mark across your face from the cuff of your shirt. Can you believe that.

Thursday, May 14, 2009


I love Thursday - that is when our flyers are delivered. Usually around 4 in the morning you can hear a car slow down in front of the house and throw out the flyers in the fancy pink plastic bag. I usually get out of bed around 6:30, when my husband delivers me my morning coffee. I then go get the flyers. Well last night around 8:30 I was outside checking out my gardens (my sisters will now roll their eyes at that - go figure they say) and their is that fancy pink bag at the top of the driveway. I run up to get it and, as I normally do, I grab the bag and swing it around in a circle and go towards the house. Well, last night when I swung the bag the bottom came out and flyers went all over the driveway. I'd say it was a little embarrassing but it happened once before so I just started singing as I picked them up -just like I had expected them to scatter.

On a sad note, I want to pass on my condolences to my girlfriend D, on the loss of her neice to a horrible traffic accident. She left behind 2 small boys.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Rubber Boots

I have a little obsession with Rubber Boots. I have only 2 pairs but both my daughter and step daughter have 2 pairs. Why so many - BECAUSE THEY ARE BEAUTIFUL. You can get robber boots with polka dots, stripes, plaid, animal prints, lips. And they are fashionable. Picture me mowing the lawn in my black boots with pink trim and different colored polka dots. I'm hot. I can just see the envy in my neighbours eyes as they walk by. Of course I have light blue ones with black bears for gardening and wading in our river. My girls ride at a barn so they need them for rainy days. They both have a pair with horses on them. I couldn't resist getting them. Yes they already have a pair each with different designs but just think how cool they look at the barn in their pale blue boots with horses. My sister (B - partner in crime) even has a mauve pair with daisy's on them. Imagine our mothers use to want us to wear them on rainy days and we would down right refuse - better to have wet sneakers we thought, rather than look like some type of nerd. If we had only knows that these beautiful boots would be in style. Why couldn't I have thought about inventing them.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Mothers Day Happy Hour

Mothers day was so relaxing. I planted lots of new seeds and flowers. At around 3 it started to rain so I went into the garage to see what my husband was doing. Typical man, he was getting the lawn mower all cleaned for the new mowing season. I decided at that point in time to call my sister (partner in crime) to inform her that MOTHERS DAY HAPPY HOUR was about to begin. When she arrived I was sat inside the garage door (it was open) with 2 lawn chairs with a crate between them with 2 bottles of wine and some glasses. She giggled at me, then came in and we sat and watched the neighbours and traffic (all 2 cars) and drank our wine. She did say she wasn't coming back to this "bar" as it was to smelly (my husband started the lawn mower and was using all types of lubes and oils on the machine) HAHAHA. Bet she will forget that next year when happy hour starts again.

Sunday, May 10, 2009


Mothers Day - what a great day to celebrate a mother that you love. My husband and kids bought me my ticket to Bon Jovi that I have hinted for(quite frequently). I am so excited. They also bought me 5 hanging basquets, some plants for my garden and new seeds. I LOVE to garden. I am even forcing bulbs and seeds in my living room window (everyone makes fun of my "grow" operation. )
This year I sent my mother a card but never put a gift inside as my sister S is flying to their house next weekend and we are giving S money to buy mom something that she wants. The woman has everything so it is hard to buy for her. I still felt she should have something mothers day so I ordered her flowers. She was so excited. She even sent me a picture of them. When I told my sister "B"(partner in crime) she looked at me like I was nuts (whats new ha). She had quite the experience last year with flowers.
Mothers Day 2008 - my sister "B" didn't know what to buy mom so she decided to send her flowers. She called mom to see how she liked them, mom said she never received any flowers. My sister called the flower shop and lodged a complaint. They assured my sister they would send out another arrangement. Another call to mom and still no flowers. Mom assured her that she had been home all day. Mom said that she had seen the guy deliver the flowers to the house across the street. My sister, getting a little upset at this point as she paid $80 for the flowers, called the flower shop again. They assured her that the flowers had been sent out, but would send them again. This time my mother received her flowers. She loved them. First time she had received flowers. Exciting times. Imagine she got them and so did a neighbour who didn't know who they came from (so mom thought). Mothers day came and went. On Tuesday dad was putting out the garbage throught the back door and what do you think was on the doorstep. 2 FLOWER ARRANGEMENTS, dying. The delivery guy kept going to the back door, which is downstairs. We are not sure why he kept passing the front door. AND not sure why he didn't see his previous arrangement at the door when he delivered the 2nd. The way moms house is layed out you have to pass the front door to go around the house and the back door is not an easy access to the inside or out. Thank God mom didn't go to the neighbours demanding her flower arrangement (now you know where I get it from)

Funny Comments from the Unexpected

I was at the liquor store today. When I got in line an elderman in front of me was getting checked in. The clerk told him is total was $128. The man said "oh I must get some money out" The cashier said "yes you better do that because your good looks arn't going to get you very far any longer" I couldn't help but laugh. I just couldn't stop. Then it was my turn. My husband put our order on the counter. When the cashier was part way through my husband said he would go on with the box of beer. I said sure but then said to the cashier "I guess I am paying" He looked at me and said "look here Dorothy, you could also haul out your ruby redy slippers and click them together and wish you were back in Kansas" I busted out laughing so loud it was embarrassing. I told the clerk how funny he was. He admited that he had knows the elderly gentleman for a while and knew he could say something. When he had seen me laughing he said he knew he could say something to me also. I laughed the whole way across the parking lot. People were looking at me but I didn't care. The clerk had put me in such a good mood.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

What do dreams mean?

I had the weirdest dream last night. I blame it on the good garlic I had at my favorite Italian Restaurant and the donair my husband came home with at 12:30 last nigth (he plays cards with our friends friday evenings) Of course I had to have a few bites.

One of my "bestest" friends moved away last year. We use to sit in her living room and talk all the time. Well I had a dream about her last night. For the life of me I can't see any purpose to the dream. I had a dream that her doctor told her to stop wearing her underwear and start wearing special spandex under's. Well my sister (partner in crime) and myself were sitting in her living room (at her old house) watching her fold clothes. As she would haul her underwear out to fold she would put them in the "salvation army" clothing bag. But the weird part was (as if that isn't weird) all the underwear had skid marks. LIKE WHAT PURPOSE DID THIS DREAM SERVE.

This morning I called her and told her the dream. I don't know if she found it as funny as we did as she was the one with the skid mark under's. I think maybe her husband was wearing her unders as I can't see such a clean woman having these undes. I wonder if I should look on a website of dreams to see what it means.

Friday, May 8, 2009

The Sun gives us Vit D and it feels GOOD

It has been raining and foggy here for 3 days. My sister (or partner in crime most blogs) calls me at work and says "lets go for a tan tonight - I'm so cold and it will warm me up". No problem - I love to be warm. So we get ready at 7:30 last evening to go. I was lying in that bed dreaming of a nice tall Bahama Mama (fruity drink). It felt so tropical with the nice breeze (fan) blowing on me. I love to sing while in the bed. I always wonder if anyone else can hear me because I sing out loud. Really I don't care. I paid my $5 for my 7 minutes of "fun in the sun" and no one better bust my little bubble. Cheapest all inclusive I have ever been on.
As we start to leave my sister starts to laugh. She was telling me her daughter (17) and friends decided to go for a tan that morning (during her off block at school). Her daughter K had never been before so my sister told her to only go in for 5 minutes the first time and gave K specific instructions on what to do when you go in the room. WELL she got her tan, burnt her butt and FORGOT TO CLOSE THE TANNING BED. She said she kept thinking that it wasn't as hot at her mother said it would be. I wonder why.
Her mother keeps compairing her to me - no wonder LOL

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Lunch with my friend on a rainy day

There is nothing better than sitting in a restaurant eating lunch with a friend you don't see very often but it is even better when it is raining out. Makes it seem more cozier - you don't want to be out in the rain - would rather drink coffee and talk about nothing. We talked for over 1 1/2 hour - I only get 1 hour for lunch. The time just flew. I am sure we could have talked for another 3 hours if we could have - why do we wait until the work week to do this. We should be doing it during the weekend when we do not have time restraints. I guess our time restraint on the weekend is family and life in general. We have lots of friends over the years. True friendship is someone you can talk to every day BUT if for some reason you don't see them for weeks, months or years, that when you do see each other again you just start to pick up your conversation where you left of the last time you seen them.

That is what I enjoy about Facebook - I have connected with friends who I have not seen for 20 - 25 years. We talk for hours about everything. We laugh about life experiences we had in our past. One of my friends who now lives in the land down under did not remember one incident that happened to her at church summer camp one year. One of the leaders was a mom of some of the teens at our camp. She was a "church lady" trying to be instill morals in us. My girlfiend was about 15 at the time and this camp leader came up to my friend and asked her to put bandaids over her nipples as she found them offensive at the camp where boys were present. At the time we were quite taken back and shocked that a grown lady would have the nerve to ask such a thing. Now that we look back at it we find it totally hillarious - makes me think of the church lady on Saturday night live. Isn't it funny that we can find people who are so self rightous so funny.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The littlest things

The littlest things can bring us such joy and amusement. Revlon has put out a new PEDI-EXPERT pedicure kit. Probably one of the best investments I have made this year. I bought it on my lunch break and used it when I got back to work - I couldn't wait to use it. I can't believe we pay $50 for a pedi when this little charm cost me $10 at the drugstore. I have been going around the office telling everyone about it. One of my co-workers went out and bought 2 (one for herself and a friend). The best part is it is life time guarantee'd. I am guessing the little cheese grader (that is what it looks like) never gets dull. Truly amazing.

I have to add to this because as usual something happened to me this afternoon. After my little outing lunch time, I came back to our parking garage at work and there are hardly any parking spots left. I always park in the same spot every day but because it is raining outside I guess everyone wants to come inside to park. When I returned from lunch someone had parked in my favorite spot. I circle the parking garage and get a spot. OF COURSE when 4:30 rolled around I hightailed it out of work and to my van but WHERE IS MY VAN. I walked towards my usual spot that I have been using for 1 year but no car. Then I remember I couldn't get it. Then I start circling the garage but NO VAN. People are starting to look at this woman walking around amlessly. I finally get out my phone and call my co-worker. She said "you parked right outside the door" I look and can not see the VAN. Then she said something that clicked with me - "THE CAR IS BLUE NOT GREEN" WAIT A MINUTE I am not driving the burgandy van that I have been driving for 3 years???? To save on gas we bought a small blue/green car for driving back and forth to work and I started using it. I can't decide if it is blue or green. Anyway sure enough 2 cars down from where I stood panicking there is the little car waiting for me. I laughed, and laughed for a bit about that one. My co-worker probably is still laughing.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

What age is a good age for mom's not to buy their daughters clothes

A funny thought just came to me - how old should you be before your mother stops buying you clothes. My mother is a "professional shopper" If you give my mother a gift card from a store, she will go in, buy everything on sale, size does not matter because she feels it will fit someone. She then comes to visit with an extra suitcase full of these great bargins. As she said "there is something for everyone". Well, last year for my parents 50 anniversary we all decided to go on a cruise to celebrate. My mother was so excited about the trip she started shopping for it immediately. She went to a local supermarket at the end of the season and hit quite the deal on bathing suites. She bought 2 for herself and one for my sister and myself. Well when she sent the suites down I was surprised how nice they were. I tried it on - not so nice. I am 5foot 6in, the body of the suite was made for a woman 4ft nothing. The straps covered my nipples (bearly). I showed my husband - I felt like a circus freak stripper. I also had one for my sister - I warned her in advance but NO she had to try it on anyway. She came out to show her husband the suit and her son was in the room. I think he is scared for life HAHA. The only advantage she had over me is that she is 5 foot nothing so the straps came a little higher than mine. Needless to say we did not take the bathing suites on the cruise.

Stages of FUNNY

Last evening my husband and myself decided to take a walk down the river on our property. We are on the hunt for flat rocks for a walk way and the river has them. I found 2 beautiful rocks - I carried one back through the mud and trees to our property - on the way my boots both got stuck in the mud. I didn't know what to do - here I am holding a 20lb rock that I didn't want to loose and the only way I could walk was to step out of my boots. Luckily my husband came to my rescue.
My stepdaughters school had a riot yesterday (bad thing in my good block - I KNOW). My stepdaughter called my husband to tell him and he told her to get away from the school right way as there were 30 police cars, ambulence and fire trucks going to the school. He wanted to get her away from the fighting, pepper spray and traffic. (Side note - school was cancelled but buses had to be called and get to the school so it could have taken hours). When we sat around to talk about the days events she started laughing. We looked at her as if to say "what is so funny" She said it was hilarious to watch all these "tough" kids fighting and as soon as the police pulled out the pepper spray the fighters all turned and started running. Like I said - different stages of funny. She found it funny and we were concerned.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

This morning was so beautiful. I hopped out of bed, made coffee and went on the back deck to see if I could see a bunny. I SAW 2. They were so nice hopping across my yard. My dog seen them and started breathing really hard. About 20 minutes later my sister showed up for her Sunday morning coffee with her dog. I was telling her and my husband how weird the dog was just breathing hard at the bunnies. I imitated the dog - they were not impressed. They asked me not to do it again HAHA I guess I didn't breath exactly like the dog.
We attending a Cancer fundraiser dance last evening. We had so much fun people watching. Hard to believe that you can take people from their home town but you can't the home town out of the people. We are from an island - alot of people leave for work. BUT no matter where they are when they find out that there is going to be a dance playing our traditional type of music, they hall out their mullets, acid wash jeans and best red lipstick and start dancing. Age does not matter. The dance didn't start until 9:30 but at 7:30 car loads of elder people were coming into the hall to get a good seat. When the music started they were the first on the floor.There were over 800 people in attendance. The group who sponsored the event made over $10,000 for cancer research. AMAZING.
I bought my groceries today - the best thing I bought was a set of JAX. Not sure if anyone still plays them - I hadn't seen them in years. My husband thought I was nuts HAHA (whats new). I had to get them and can't wait for someone to visit with small children so we can have a game. When my sister came over earlier she seen them and immediately start telling stories about us playing them in the middle of moms kitchen. The JAX were only $2, the best $2 I have spent in a long time.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Even thought it is misty out today my husband and myself ended up gardening all day. We are always moving rocks and putting in new gardens. Today was no different. We put a rock wall/border up last year. Last year, before the grass grew in, the wall looked lovely but this year with grass now growing around the wall, it looks bad. Today we made the wall straight - my husband has to have ropes out to make sure everything is straight. I have to go around the gardens and get snips of this and snips of that to plant down along the wall. It will all look so nice in a month when everything is in full bloom. It is so nice to go around to all the trees and look at the buds on them. Both my lilac trees are going to bloom this year. I actually just found 2 new one's that I had forgotten I had planted. My tulips are blooming. I love my garden.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Last evening my sister and family had to go out to a school function. I volunteered to have her 5 month old puppy come to our place to play with our dog. They just love each other to bits. They ran and ran and played and ran some more. I encouraged both of them to come to the river on our property to get a drink - BIG MISTEAK. Her puppy decided to jump in. Here is is stood in the middle of the river - I am on the side trying to convince him to come back - I can't get to him as I am in flip flops. My dog decides he would like to play with the puppy. The puppy starts to walk up the river and is getting closer to the other side. I know if he gets over there we are never seeing him again or at least for a while as it is all woods. I finally get my dog out of the water and away from the puppy. The puppy FINALLY decides to walk to wards me. I get him out and pick him up before he can run away. He is dripping wet. All I can think is "she paid $40 last night to get this guy groomed". He squarms so much I have to let him down. He ran right into a pile of dirt and ROLLED AROUND IN IT. Then my dog rolled him in it again. I finally get this little bundle of DIRT and carry him to my back porch and put inside so that he can't run back to the dirt pile. I go back to my gardening. WELL when I go to check on him I realize that my daughter had come home and open the porch door from the inside of the house and the dog is running all over the house with his muddy paws. Needless to say, I have to wash some walls and doors this weekend. I think he had fun though.