Monday, June 1, 2009

Watch where you stand

Friday at my place is a mixed bag of anything. Sometimes I come home and there are friends of the girls hanging around, some days my husband is out gardening and other days my husbands best friend comes up for a beer and they sit in "man land" and discuss the work week. Well this friday was no exception. I come home and sure enough, there is Rex's big red pick up on the driveway. He has left enough room for me to get my little car between our van and his truck, so that I can drive down around our wood shed and our garage and come back up and park my car between the garage and house. Well, no one knew I was home because when I do my little loop down around the buildings I come up by the back of the shed and there is Rex out having a pee before he goes home. Why he decided to go out behind the garage to pee is beyound me when there is 2 acres of hidden trees. Anyway he got quite the fright when he seen the little green car come speeding out beside the garage. It took about 15 minutes to get my husband of the ground as he was laughing so hard. Poor Rex will never be the same again. Lucky for me I was concentrating on my driving and didn't notice him.

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