Thursday, June 25, 2009

Asparagus and my veggie garden

Asparagus - a delicious veggie - especially on the BBQ. I had never bought it before as I didn't know what to do with it but this spring I bought some. My sister "S" came over for a bbq and she showed me how she has been cooking it. YUMMY. All spring I have been buying it. Well, my nephews fiance came for supper 2 weeks ago and we had asparagus. She didn't eat it, she said it makes your pee smell. We all looked at her like she was a little nuts (Sorry "A"). This past weekend I went for a hair cut and my hair dresser and myself were talking about my new garden (another story) and how I had just showered as I had been out shovelling horse manure for 2 hours. She asked me if I would be growing asparagus. I said I didn't know. She said "it makes your pee smell". Last night my sister "B" (partner in crime) came to her favorite coffee shop (my kitchen) and said "A" was right, asparagus makes your pee smell. Now I have been eating it fresh from the fridge and I can honestly say I have not smelled funny pee. I am a little distrubed by this whole topic because I am wondering how they find this stuff out. How do these people know this, are they on their hands and knees sniffing the toilot.

Speaking of shoveling manure, we had our soil delivered FINALLY. Only took 2 weeks. Of course they deliver it just days before the weather network announces that we are getting a week of rain. So my husband and myself work like dogs trying to get the soil spread and our garden in. We get up and go to the barn the other morning and get a load of horse manure (thanks Pam) and come home and spread it, till it and rake it. I only have tomatos at this point to plant. Well the rain started at 7 Saturday evening and still hasn't stopped. Of course it has been a dry spring so our property is basically dry - well at least the area where our veggie garden is going. WELL, wouldn't you know it, there are 2 run of drains from our septic field that run out right inside the veggie garden wall. My garden is nothing but a big mud swamp. Tuesday morning before going to work I am out there in my white house coat, with my flip flops, slipping and sliding down the hill, with a pitch fork. I am bound and determined to move some of the rock wall to make a drain for the water. I HAVE TO SAVE MY VEGGIE GARDEN. My husband is looking at me like I am nuts (whats new ha). It worked, some of the water started running of. So I go to work. When I come home I decided to go out (in rubber boots this time) and make a big trench right through the middle of the garden to help drain some of the water. Well, when I stepped into the garden I went up to my knees in mud. My husband came down over the hill with a shovel and rake and we started. We had to remove the rock wall we had built, rebuild some walls. At one point I asked my husband if he just wanted to mud wrestle as the "garden" had that sort of consistancy. We shoveled the mud into the "good" section of the garden. We had mud on our faces, all over our clothes all over the yard, you get the idea. Lets just cross our fingers that this works. My garden went down to about 1/2 its size. I have bought all sorts of seeds but as of today the ground is still to wet to plant anything. But the bonus to this is that because of all the bud I have great skin this week HAHA

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