Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Toner and me don't mix

I work in an office. Every now and then we have to change the toner in our old spear copier. I have a history with this machine. Approximately 9/10 years ago it needed toner replacement. I usually leave this job to my manger but since he was at lunch thought I would take on this challenge (not sure if it is me that is challenged or the machine - you be the judge) I take out the old toner cartridge, shake the new one, pull out the plastic tab (as on the instructions) and PUFF toner all over the office. I had the toner cartridge upside down. After 10 seconds of total shock I back away slowly. I had to call building maintenance to send someone up with a vacuum immediately to help clean it. Then I called the service department of the photo copier to have them send someone in to clean the inside. Was not a pretty site. Since then we have purchased a new 3 in one machine (fax/printer/photocopier). The toner is much easier to change - but I still leave the honor to my manager. WELL this new and improved machine broke down recently - we were all in a panic so we plugged in the old faithful photopier. I went about my daily work. I could hear 2 ladies from the office talking about changing the toner in the old photocopier. I, being me, trot back to see whats going on. I say "Sure I know how to do this." As I am removing the old cartridge and shaking the new one I tell them the story about my previous experience. We all laugh our butts of and PUFF out comes all the toner from the new cartridge. 3 of us just stood there with the black cloud of toner rising around us. It took about 10 seconds for it to comprehend what had just happened. I HAD DONE IT AGAIN. Needless to say not only the floors had to be cleaned this time but the whole cubicle area where we had it stored had to be cleaned. We were cleaning toner for days.
The reason I remembered this story today is that today I decided to wear my new white capri pants. I go back to boil the kettle for a cup of tea and while waiting I say "Self, you should roll that old printer into the storage room out of the way" So as I proceed to shove this machine across the office I look down and isn't there BLACK TONER all over my new pants. I guess when we cleaned it up last time I made a mess I forgot to clean the back.

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