Thursday, December 22, 2011

Montreal Canadiens and Xmas

My husband had seen a picture at Cosco last week of the Montreal Canadiens. It cost $299. + 15% tax. I say "you have no where to hang this picture" he has that all figured out. OK REALLY I have spent about $500 on him already but don't want him to know that. We didn't get the pic. Yesterday I was thinking about the pic and was trying to figure out how to get it without him knowing. I don't have a membership so have to rely on other people to buy stuff for me. I decide to take my "partner in crime" sister B with me and use her membership. Last night my 2 sisters living here and myself go out to supper so figure I would go after. Well doesn't my husband have to come to that area of town and goes to a restaurant down the road. His daughter text me and says they will wait for me to go pick up groceries after supper. No one ever wants to go pick up groceries with me. OK so I figure out plan B - L at work has a membership so on our lunch break today we go over to Cosco and get the picture. The think is about 4 feet high. I can't push the giant cart and see around it at the same time. So i push a foot or two then look out around the pic then I push a little further and stop to look. People are in a rush in cosco and there are alot of people to avoid with the cart. Men are looking at me with envy - women are looking at me like I'm nuts. We decide to stop for hot dog on the way out, only $1.50 for a dog and drink. WELL who knew it would be so hard to park a giant cart and picture. I am convinced someone is going to steel this master piece. I am like a moron pushing it in around the tables trying not to hit anyone in the process. We finally get to the car AND THE PICTURE WON'T FIT IN MY TRUNK. I have to put it in the back seat which means that I have to carry it up the elevator to my office because, someone might steal it out of my car (dam car got to go). Why didn't I bring the truck today. Would have made my life easier. Now I am figuring how to get it home. Today I have a eye appt on the way home so should I take it and lug it into the eye clinic with me. Remember it is about 4 x 3 maybe even bigger. Or tomorrow I could take it home but I have a hair appt - yet again, I could drag it into the salon with me. Why couldn't my husband want a pair of earrings like a normal person. NO go big or don't go at all is his motto and I have sure lived up to that one today.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Bring a warm coat and your saw

If you have been following my blog you know we have an issue with xmas trees every year. This year we have been so busy we hadn't had a chance to go purchase one so friday night past my sister (B), sister in law (Mary) and friend (Elsie) came to get their hair and nails done. As they walked in I told them we are going xmas tree shopping. We all pile into my husbands truck and take of. We are all telling our stories about xmas trees and are laughing so hard. I tell about the year I let my husabnd purchase the tree and it was a 4 ft high tree that he put on a black&decker box to make it higher and tipped over. The next day I got a $45 tree that was just the right size (the first one went flying through the front door at 1 in the morning the night before. Then there was the year the tree kept tipping over and broke all my decorations and at my xmas eve drop in everyone kept commenting on my funky decorations (all the broken one's in the back of the tree that I didn't take of). Or Elsie telling us that her father would drag her brother into the christmas tree farm in the middle of the night and make him hold the flashlight while he cut down the perfect tree.
So we go to the first place, Daves, where the trees are $22.99. It closed at 8:00 and it was 8:10. So we go to the next place where we all get out and argue with the guy. I kept saying I was only paying $25 for a tree and he wouldn't budge on $35 for the tree. So I say "ladies get back in the truck". I say, I'm going to Dave's and the tree guy say's "go to dirty daves". Ok, so now what to do - decide that when I go to COSCO the next morning will drop into Daves and get the tree. At thsi point decide to go to the market to get a few things. Well isn't there a tree sales guy there. I jump out with my partner in crime "B" and ask for a $25 tree. He shows me this poor tree that looks like it was raped by a deer. I ask about another and he says it is $35 and can't drop the price. I tell him my "E" story and then I tell him about my xbrother in laws in Newfoundland who would come there in the middle of the night and get a "free" tree for each family member. He then says his parents are from Newfoundland - we are really bonding but no go on the $25 tree. So we jump in the truck and head off. WAIT A MINUTE I SAY - there behind the trailer was a bunch of trees and I see my perfect tree. I jump out and my sister runs to get the guy. He says the tree is $30. I say "is your boss here" he says no. I say "well why can't you sell me the tree for $25 - he will never know. PLUS who else is going to buy a tree one week before xmas. There are approx 100 trees on the lot. At this point he says rather loudly "this tree is $30 but for you it is $25" I SAY START THE CAR AND THROW THE TREE IN THE BACK WE HAVE A SALE. After we left I look at the girls and say "I think he gave it to me to shut me up" I don't care though. I have the perfect tree in my living room.

Ladies Restroom and keys

I went to the ladies washroom this morning while at work - it is a common washroom on the floor that is shared by about 4 offices. I go into the stall and as soon as I sit down someone comes in and rushes into the stall next to me. The lady let out the biggest fart - if I didn't know better I would think it was a man in there. I sit there quietly and think instead of embarrassing her I will sit here and wait for her to leave but if she decides to do a #2 (which I wouldn't be surprised with the sound that came out of her) I am getting up and leaving. WELL she just pee'd but she got 3 helpings of toilot paper then when out TOOK MY KEY and never washed her hands. I got up rush, left and ran back to the office to tell my story. (yes I washed my hands first) I go in and there is the key on the front desk. Our receiptionist said that a lady from across the hall bought it in. Now I know who farted and left the washroom without washing her hands. I don't think I will ever be able to look at her again.

Sunday, April 24, 2011


I have been sick now for 8 days. On the 6th day I developed pink eye. I have been using drops for my eyes to help them heal. I just went to put some drops in my eyes and just when I was about th squirt the bottle I realized I had dristan (nasel mist) in my hand and not eye drops. Can you image the BURN I would have felt if I had done that.

Monday, March 14, 2011


Saturday night my sisters and our spouces decided to go bowling. We all walked in and decided right away that we didn't blend well with the bowling league next to us. They all looked like they hadn't bathed or changed their clothes since 1987. What a homely looking croud but they were sure having fun and sure could bowl.

We all get our shoes and start to play. My first 2 balls were a spear (all pins knocked down with 2 balls). I walked of all proud of myself. When it was my turn again I lined up the ball, ran down the isle and threw the ball down the gutter, where it popped over into my husbands lane nocking down one of his pins. He didn't see this as he was sort of "praying" over his ball trying to figure out how he was going to pull of a spear with one pin on the left side and 2 on the right. I guess all that praying worked because when he opened his eyes that one pin on the left was gone. He turned to my brother in laws to give them the "what happened to my pin" look and they were literally on the floor laughing at me. I think K needs to ask for some different prayers next time - like ones for the health of all other people in the alley when I'm in the place.

Friday, March 4, 2011

What was that number again???

We drove to Florida for the winter break. Our schools were closed for 2 weeks this year for the winter games so what else was there to do but hop in the truck and go. After 10 glorious days we started our treck home. The first night after all driving we pulled into a hotel in Virginia. My husbands diabetis had been acting up and he had been extremely thirsty all day so had drank lots of liquid. As soon as he got the room key he threw the key at me while running to the washroom. I was sure he said the room number was 207. The 2 girls, my sister in law and myself all start unloading our big suitcases. We go into the hotel and follow E to the elevator. After walking a bit we say "are you sure the elevators are this way" She says "I don't know, I was just walking" My first mistake, following a tired 16 year old. So we all turn around (not easy with big bulky suitcases) and head back the other way to the elevator. We go up to the 2nd floor and all march down to room 217. My key does not work. I am starting to get mad because here I am with an elderly criple lady and 2 teens and lots of bags walking around this hotel. I am thinking K, my husband, has now finished in the washroom and "popped out for a cigerate" thinking we are settled away in our room. I try the key again and then again. With that I hear "is that you Jane" I FREEZE, I LOOK AT THE GIRLS Is that you Jane comes again from behind the door. WE RUN. Here we are, all 4 of us, including the cripple lady (Mary) running down the hall. We stop at the stairs and I go down to the lobby to see where we are going. We are booked in room 207 not 217. I go up and the girls are leaning against the wall with their eyes on the floor. Apparently when I went down stairs this old man stuck his head out of room 217 to see who was there. K almost died that night you know LOLOLOL

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

You know it is going to be one of those days when

Sunday morning my husband needed to get up at 6 am - OK who does that to their spouse. I had my girlfriends over the night before some supper, wine and karokee. Never got to bed until 1ish. I lay there for a while and decided to get up and make a feed the cats and make a tea. I just get my tea made when I can hear one of the cats puking. I immediately run down stairs to clean it up before someone steps in it. I stand there looking at the cat and say "so where is it" I look around and no puke - something tells me to look down. The cat puked right at the bottom of the stairs and guess who was standing in it.

Did I ever mention that we are not getting any more animals when ours are long gone to Kitty Litter Heaven

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


I love my hair - sad days when it does not go right.

Yesterday I went to the bank machine (ATM) to get some spending money for the week. I was almost through when out of the blue, the ATM Sign came crashing down and hit me in the hair. I think who ever was monitoring the camera yesterday got a good laugh at the look of shock on my face when the sign fell and also then the look of discust because it hit me in the hair.

I had to run into the supermarket the other day for a few groceries. Went on my lunch break with a co-worker. I grabbed my recycling bags took of running as it was raining. I dropped one of the bags, and that fast it disappeared. I ran back to get it and it wasn't there, I ran forward, thinking it might have blown away, NO BAG. I look at my co worker and she is laughing. The stupid bag handle was wrapped around my shoe and I kept dragging it around the parking lot like an idiot.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Thank God for Cel Phones

Just got a call from my husband K to tell me his little "dilema" at work today. He had to go to the washroom. Got in there and did his business and there was no toilot paper. He sat there for a while hoping someone would come in. After about 10 minutes he remembered he had his phone. He called everyone's desk in the office but no one was answering. He finally called one of the guy's cel phone. He answered and relunctantly come in and gave him a roll of TP.

New Birthday Tradition

My daughter turned 16 this week. Last night we had the family in for pizza and "cheesecake" (girls get to pick birthday supper and cake type - E loves blueberry cheesecake)

First thing to discuss is the cheesecake. E loves the no bake type. Sunday evening I made the cake so it had 24 hours to set before we ate it. I made the crust, whipped up the cream, put frozen blueberries in the cream and 2 tubs of fresh blueberries on the top. It looked perfect and so quick to make. About 1/2 hour after putting it in the fridge I was walking across the kitchen and there on the counter was 2 packages of cream cheese. I couldn't believe it. I had to take each berry of the top of the cheese cake carefully, wash them. Then scoope out the cream - put it in the bowel and mix in the creamcheese. Needless to say the frozen berries turned the cream a beautiful shade of purple. I then assembled the cake again. The taste didn't change.

Last night we ordered pizza and once all eaten by all, we got out the cheese cake. I told everyone the story about the cheese - they figured that was my luck. I bought candles that spelt out Happy Birthday. I asked my sister to come help light them because I was having trouble and there were so many candles. My step daughter came out to help also. We turned of all the lights so the candles were the only thing showing, bought in to the room with 8 people stood around. We are all singing and my step daughter announces that the cake said Birthday Happy. I had put the word happy on first then put on birthday - just in the wrong order. I am such a looser.