Friday, March 4, 2011

What was that number again???

We drove to Florida for the winter break. Our schools were closed for 2 weeks this year for the winter games so what else was there to do but hop in the truck and go. After 10 glorious days we started our treck home. The first night after all driving we pulled into a hotel in Virginia. My husbands diabetis had been acting up and he had been extremely thirsty all day so had drank lots of liquid. As soon as he got the room key he threw the key at me while running to the washroom. I was sure he said the room number was 207. The 2 girls, my sister in law and myself all start unloading our big suitcases. We go into the hotel and follow E to the elevator. After walking a bit we say "are you sure the elevators are this way" She says "I don't know, I was just walking" My first mistake, following a tired 16 year old. So we all turn around (not easy with big bulky suitcases) and head back the other way to the elevator. We go up to the 2nd floor and all march down to room 217. My key does not work. I am starting to get mad because here I am with an elderly criple lady and 2 teens and lots of bags walking around this hotel. I am thinking K, my husband, has now finished in the washroom and "popped out for a cigerate" thinking we are settled away in our room. I try the key again and then again. With that I hear "is that you Jane" I FREEZE, I LOOK AT THE GIRLS Is that you Jane comes again from behind the door. WE RUN. Here we are, all 4 of us, including the cripple lady (Mary) running down the hall. We stop at the stairs and I go down to the lobby to see where we are going. We are booked in room 207 not 217. I go up and the girls are leaning against the wall with their eyes on the floor. Apparently when I went down stairs this old man stuck his head out of room 217 to see who was there. K almost died that night you know LOLOLOL

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