Monday, March 22, 2010

Sticky Buns Recipe

Sticky Buns Recipe

I just figured how to get into this at work again - I just look at recipes and share the recipe with you all (but won't) Now I have to remember how I did this!!!

I have been rejected yet again. Story of my life. The Canadian Blood Bank has asked me not to come back - yes that is true. They have suggested that there are other ways to volunteer rather than give blood.

Since my father was sick last year I have decided to give back some how. So when I got the call 2 months ago about the blood clinic being in my area in March I jumped on that right away. I decided to give blood for the very first time. So I am all excited, left work to go and wouldn't you know I forgot. I go home, eat my supper and then the phone rings. As soon as the lady said who was calling I said I can't believe I forgot. She said I could come right then and I said yes. I told my daughter and sister in law (who is visiting for a month) to come along and wait in the van while I run in and I would then take them shopping. I felt a little uptight going there, being my first time. I walk in and they actually gave me a sticky to let the other staff know I was a first time donor. I felt so special.

I get called to the first station where they prick my finger and test my iron.

I then read a phamplet which advised me that I could be sick, muscle spasms, cramping, fatigue, for the next 3 days.

I then go into a booth to complete 14 questionnaire

I go into another booth to be interviewed and answer more questions. I'm thinking good think I never went to africa and ate monkey (yes those are some of the questions).

While waiting I read to keep myself calm because I am still a little anxious.

I finally get called up to the bed and lay down. I roll up my sleeve and wait for the nurse to come. The staff were so nice, talking to me. The nurse comments on how calm I am being a first time donor. Odviously she wasn't very observent as my foot was swinging back and fort with a nervous twitch. I say I am a little up tight but nothing serious. So they get me ready and start pumping blood. Everything is going good - I try not to look. Then all of a sudden the nurse did something I tell people not to do DON'T TELL ME WHAT IS GOING ON. Walk about the weather, your dog, your dead cat, just don't tell me about what is happening to me at the present moment.

The nurse announces to me that the blood has stopped flowing. She gives me a ball to squeeze, which I do. She then says "oh the blood is flowing again. You had a spasm, can't you feel the needle vibrating" I then say to her, rather calmly, I don't feel so well. She says "what do you mean" I say I feel sick and I might faint. Then I announce "I
M GONE" All I remember is the nurse yelling "could I get some help over here".

The next thing I see is a lady lying over me and 3 ladies trying to kill me. Yes this is what was going through my head for approx 5 seconds. I came out of my faint stage and there are 4 women looking at me, one over the top of me and 3 trying to get the needle out of my arm. For that split 5 seconds, I didn't know who they were and where I was but I know they were at my arm and holding me down. All I could think is that these people were trying to kill me. Longest 5 seconds of my life. Then it came back to me about where I was.

1 1/2 hours later my daughter calls my cel, from the van outside, to see if I would be much longer. And you all think I'm a looser LOLOLOL

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