Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Bad Breath

Some days I look at my daughter and nephew and think - idiots (and laugh at that) They are like 2 peas in a pod. E tells me that they will be talking on the bus one will say something and then all of a sudden they will break out in song. They are really good friends.

Well this am it was raining so when I drove E to the bus stop, M (my nephew) was walking down the road and jumped into our car. They are talking to me and then all of a sudden M say's he smells a bad smell. I say it must be him because we don't smell it. Then E shouts that she smells it also. I tell them to go and change their underwear because it is odviously one of them. They say "No it is you. Everytime you speak we smell it" We have a big laughing shouting match about this. I say it can't be because I just brushed my teeth. They say "there I smell it again because you are talking" I whip out my gum, put a piece in my mouth and tell them not to ask for any because I will be chewing it all day. We are all still laughing and screaming at each other. I tell M to check his sneakers because I am convinced he stepped in doggy doo doo. He said he didn't. They then have the nerve to tell me that they don't smell it anymore since I put the gum in my mouth.

Lucky for those 2 that the bus came. As they are getting out M looks down at his sneakers and sure enough there is dog poop on his sneaker. The joke is on those idiots (yes hard word but funny in this case).

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