Monday, March 22, 2010

Strings and things

Our new employee had decided she would open her blinds in the front area. The windows she has only borders on our board room but with the blinds open in the board room and the blinds in the front entrance open it lights up the entrance and makes you think you actually have windows (oh the head games we play with ourselves).

When she opened the blinds I casually mentioned that if she left the strings sitting on the floor I would trip in them. She didn't believe me. So I opened the 3rd blind for her (which looked into the back of a door but why leave one closed and open the others) When I did this I neatly took the string and rolled it up and layed it on the window ledge. I even pointed this out to her but now, she left the strings just sitting there. Well, later that day I walked out to her desk to put mail in her outbasket and sure enough I trip in the strings. Legs and arms going everywhere. All I seen was a window coming towards my face. I screamed, or was it her. People came running. When they seen it was me they casually told L that she would soon learn that I was a clutz and this type of thing happened to me ALL THE TIME. I eventually remembered the scream and asked if it was her or me - it was her.

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