Thursday, June 24, 2010

Prom and Confussion

Yesterday was my step-daughter K's prom. She looked like a barbie doll. We were so proud. The prom was classified as a "safe grad". This means that they have their dinner and dance, then are bused to a local sports arena and swim, play, dance, and there were bouncy castle/gladiator games provided. This lasted all night then they get bused home. Well, 5:18 this am I get a phone call and it's K locked out of the house. I had mentioned to my husband last evening to leave the door open for her but he forgot. So I get up and open the door and there she stands, tired but happy and goes straight to bed. I ten proceed in and turn on the shower and start to get ready for the day. Just as I am getting in my husband says "it is 5:24 not 6:24" I turn the shower of and climb back into bed for another hour.

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