Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Crying Baby

Last night K and myself decided to go to bed early (10:30 is early for us) We just wanted to get a good nights sleep. Well sometimes the best intentions can go WRONG. First of all around 12 I wake because the TV is still on and really loud. K turns it of. Then at around 12:30 our oldest daughter, who was up the street watching movies with a friend, decides to come home to grab her pj's and go back for the night. We are wide awake, lay there and complain, K can't stop talking (whats new). We finally doze of. 2:30 we hear a baby crying outside our window. I think I am dreaming, then realize it wasn't a dream. We live out in the country, how would a baby get outside our window. I wake K and he hears it also. He gets up and goes out and gets a flashlight and goes outside but there is nothing. We figure it is our "indoor" cat outside killing a rabbit (sad but true). Our daughter must have let the cat out by accident when she came home to change. We are lying there AGAIN trying to get back to sleep. We just doze, 3:25 the cat is on the back deck fighting with something. K jumps out of bed screaming "SOMETHING IS KILLING MY PUSSY" - killing your pussy - I feel like killing your pussy let alone another animal. He runs up to the back deck, flicks on all the lights - I am sure at this point in time any planes coming in at the airport thing they are diverted to my back yard - and there is the cat all by herself sitting there. He picks her up and brings her in the house. We go back to sleep finally until 6:20. Another GOOD NIGHT SLEEP had by all.

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