Friday, June 18, 2010

Hot and Sticky

B and myself had to drop of my daughter and her friends at the movies. We decided to go to Walmart for a look. I needed a styrofoam ball for a party tomorrow. Of course it cost me $119 for the ball (not really but the ball was $5 and then all the other stuff I bought be probably didn't need). B and I just take our time, looking, trying on stuff, etc. We go to the cash and I am so thirsty. While waiting to get checked in I decide to take a coke out of my case and drink it. As I open it coke starts to fiz and go all over me, the magazines, floor and of course B. I just pick up the new track pants I have for my husband and start wiping myself of. I look at B and then at my shirt and say "I look like I am lacktating" Not a pretty picture. We walk out and go home all sticky. Of course it is 30 degrees here today so hot and sticky describes how I felt with my arms hung out the windows.

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