Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Crying Baby

Last night K and myself decided to go to bed early (10:30 is early for us) We just wanted to get a good nights sleep. Well sometimes the best intentions can go WRONG. First of all around 12 I wake because the TV is still on and really loud. K turns it of. Then at around 12:30 our oldest daughter, who was up the street watching movies with a friend, decides to come home to grab her pj's and go back for the night. We are wide awake, lay there and complain, K can't stop talking (whats new). We finally doze of. 2:30 we hear a baby crying outside our window. I think I am dreaming, then realize it wasn't a dream. We live out in the country, how would a baby get outside our window. I wake K and he hears it also. He gets up and goes out and gets a flashlight and goes outside but there is nothing. We figure it is our "indoor" cat outside killing a rabbit (sad but true). Our daughter must have let the cat out by accident when she came home to change. We are lying there AGAIN trying to get back to sleep. We just doze, 3:25 the cat is on the back deck fighting with something. K jumps out of bed screaming "SOMETHING IS KILLING MY PUSSY" - killing your pussy - I feel like killing your pussy let alone another animal. He runs up to the back deck, flicks on all the lights - I am sure at this point in time any planes coming in at the airport thing they are diverted to my back yard - and there is the cat all by herself sitting there. He picks her up and brings her in the house. We go back to sleep finally until 6:20. Another GOOD NIGHT SLEEP had by all.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Where is Absentia

Our family attended our daughers & neices grade 12 graduation on Friday past. My husband is partial deaf so he does not realize he is loud when he is "whispering". He can't sit still for very long before he gets bord so the whole ceremony he "whispered". At one point he went for a cigerette and when he came back I had moved my daughter so that K could sit between B (partner in crime) and myself - I figured he could have someone else to talk to besides me. He came back and started "whispering" again. His little funny was where is Absentia. If a child was unable to make the cap and gown ceremony then when their name was called the principal would say that they passed in absentia. Well, after the ceremony at dinner my husband came right out and said to the whole group "is Absentia a place where they have alot of exchange students". He was serious (which does not happen very often) He really thought absentia was another country. He has been around the world and has never heard of this country so was going home to look it up. ABSENTIA: in absence

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Prom and Confussion

Yesterday was my step-daughter K's prom. She looked like a barbie doll. We were so proud. The prom was classified as a "safe grad". This means that they have their dinner and dance, then are bused to a local sports arena and swim, play, dance, and there were bouncy castle/gladiator games provided. This lasted all night then they get bused home. Well, 5:18 this am I get a phone call and it's K locked out of the house. I had mentioned to my husband last evening to leave the door open for her but he forgot. So I get up and open the door and there she stands, tired but happy and goes straight to bed. I ten proceed in and turn on the shower and start to get ready for the day. Just as I am getting in my husband says "it is 5:24 not 6:24" I turn the shower of and climb back into bed for another hour.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Hot and Sticky

B and myself had to drop of my daughter and her friends at the movies. We decided to go to Walmart for a look. I needed a styrofoam ball for a party tomorrow. Of course it cost me $119 for the ball (not really but the ball was $5 and then all the other stuff I bought be probably didn't need). B and I just take our time, looking, trying on stuff, etc. We go to the cash and I am so thirsty. While waiting to get checked in I decide to take a coke out of my case and drink it. As I open it coke starts to fiz and go all over me, the magazines, floor and of course B. I just pick up the new track pants I have for my husband and start wiping myself of. I look at B and then at my shirt and say "I look like I am lacktating" Not a pretty picture. We walk out and go home all sticky. Of course it is 30 degrees here today so hot and sticky describes how I felt with my arms hung out the windows.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

A Good Sale - I think Not

Just looking at a disk of some old pictures and came across this pic. B (partner in crime) and myself hit a big sale on this sweater - but didn't know each had bought it. She shows up at my office for coffee break and to show me her $10 find and guess who was wearing the same sweater ME. Needless to say I put mine in the Good Will bag when I got home.


I am at work and have some mail for the out tray at the front desk. I trot on up and there is a person sitting there waiting to pick up paperwork. I recognize her from years ago when I use to sit at the front desk. I casually say hi and make small chit chat. I say "the last time I saw you was years ago and you were pregnant." She smiles and says, I don't have children, never pregnant. I say "I must be thinking of someone else. I never get to see anyone any more now that I don't work up front. Yes, it has to be at least 10 years since I saw you".

I then leave and go into my bosses offices to discuss a new piece of business. I tell him what I said and he is laughing and telling me "that is something you NEVER say to someone - are you pregnant" I defend myself and say I just said I thought she was pregnant years ago but must have confussed her with someone else" Lucky for me L walked in and said Cheryl was SLICK. She smoothed talked her way out of that. Slick I like that. Never been called Slick before.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Movie with the men

My sister B (partner in crime) and myself usually go to the movie every friday night with our friends C & E. (we now have a movie blog if you are interested
http://1movie-4opinions.blogspot.com/ ). A few weeks back our husbands decided not to play cards on a friday so we decided we could go to a movie with them. I really wanted to see the new movie ROBINHOOD. There was a man from our province in the movie and thought it would be good. First let me say, every time I go to a movie with my husband K, I get frustrated. He is partial deaf so he talks out loud during the movie, he is a food-a-holic so he eats all during the movie and he is a diabetic so he sneaks candy during the movie and hopes I won't hear (no, can't hear someone chewing like a cow next to me). Anyway, B and her husband came with us and we all really enjoyed the movie. Afterwards we decide to go to a coffee shop for a tea before heading home. We are in line and my brother in law (who is quite a large man) starts waving to a bunch of teen girls in the drive thru window. They are waving and calling out and he is smiling and waving back. He is giggling and tells us "look I still got it, there are a bunch of young girls waving to me" With that the tiny man behind him says "that is my daughter and her friends, they are waving to me". My brother in law T is so embarrassed, we are all laughing and the man is laughing also. He was stood behind T and I guess the girls had seen him and thought it would be fun to get his attention - I guess they got everyone's attention in the line us - especially ours.

Monday, June 14, 2010


You may think I am a little "crazy" "of the wall" but my coworker is just as bad. She is very "crafty". She does painting for all the craft shows in our area. So last week she buys a magazine and finds this great bowling ball craft for the garden. Beautiful. I say "where are you going to get bowling balls" she says at a yard sale. In the back of my mind (or did I say it out loud) the words shes crazier than me.

Well lunch time today we had 1 hour to kill so we go to a local popular second hand store for a look. We walk in and I look in the "ODDS AND ENDS" bin and there are 2 bowling balls. BIG ONE's with the holes. We are so excited. Those things weigh a ton. We put them in our baskets and drag them around the store. The sales person notices us and offers us the new carts with the wheels. Of course at every turn the cart has a mind of its own and goes flying.

We pay for our finds - L (my coworker) explaining why we are buying bowling balls. I sort of felt a little foolish with my ball. We put them in the car. Mine is in the trunk. We start driving and hear a big THUMP. I round a turn and THUMP. I come to a light and THUMP. I had to get out and put the ball in the back seat or I would have to explain to my husband why my new car has lumps from the inside out.