Thursday, October 29, 2009


As you all know the H1N1 (Swine Flu) is on the rise. Everyone is out fighting for vacanations. Well, in our office one of the staff had the Swine Flu and spent most of the week here at work before the doctors office called her to let her know. I have been at this ladies desk for a month now, helping her, grabing the mouse to show her stuff, drinking her coffee (by accident - thought it was my tea) and I have no sign of the Swine. I just had a major revolation - I can't get the swine flu because I DON'T EAT PORK.

Life has been so busy lately. Last night I went look at an apartment for my parents and didn't get home until late. Had to grab some supper, partner in crime came for coffee, dogs were running mad and my daughter is learning the guitar so she is perched on a chair playing for us. My sister B said "to bad you can't play the Edmund Fitzgerald" well didn't I have the cords and song in my guitar case. We get it out and show it to my daughter. She starts to try to pick up the notes so I decide to sing it. I start with "The leg end lives on from the Chippewa " WAIT that does not sound right, so I start again and so does she. I start singing "The leg end lives on from the Chippewa" WAIT why doesn't this sound right. B pipes up and says "it is LEGEND you idiot not leg ends" OH I get it now. On the notes it was devided by a dash and since I was concentrating on the guitar notes I guess I missed that one.

B and myself took guitar lessons one time. What a great 10 lessons. The 9 people in the class played and I sang. I didn't learn to play the guitar but what great vocal cords I now have.

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