Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Other peoples stories

We got our driveway paved today - big exciting times for my husband. He actually took the day of work to over see the whole event.

My co worker told me this story today and she laughed I screamed. I had to share it with you. Her friend went away on vacation last week. The friend asked her father to look after the cat - drop in and feed it/change the litter. The father accidently let the cat out of the house. He couldn't find the cat. He went home but asked the ladies brother, who was her neighbour, to watch out for the cat. The brother looked over the neighbourhood all day and eventually found the cat dead - hit by a car. The father told the brother to put the cat in a bag and put it in the freezer so the sister could see it to say her last goodbyes. He then called his sister and told her the cat was dead. The sister was upset. When she came home she walked into the house and low and behold there was the cat at the door, starving. She looked at her husband and said "if that is our cat who's cat is in the freezer". AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHh I would have screamed and ran out the door.

Anyone missing a cat???

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