Thursday, October 1, 2009


In our province it is illegal to drive and talk on the cel phone. Yesterday I am driving home from work and my cel phone starts to ring. I figure it is one of my 2 girls as they are the only one's who call me on it. I haul it out and put it on my lap and say HELLO. Now, my girls know to talk really loud so I can hear them. Well, all I hear is a mumble. I am thinking "E is playing soccer, I hope she didn't get hurt and it is a parent/teacher calling" I scream out, can you speak up I can't hear you. Still only a mumble. I scream "Hold on, I have to pull over and I am going 100km on the highway" I am a bit frustrated at this point. I get to the side of the road, without killing myself or anyone else. I pick up the phone and isn't it our Head Office trying to track me down for some information. I started to laugh, because this lady is probably thinking I am nuts. I apoligized for the conversation but explain how it all sent down. I couldn't stop laughing. Needless to say, she won't be calling my cel any time soon.

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