Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Someone's turning 40

My "partner in crime" B is turning 40 this coming Friday. Of course she has labled the week BARB FEST 2009. Her husband is to buy her a little something for each day leading up to Barb Fest 2009. Something simple yet fun. Yesterday he bought her a case of gum. He said she will have enough for a month.
My daughter and B are very close. E (my daughter) wanted to make some Barb Fest 2009 tshirts so I gave her 3 tshirts and she painted each one with the BARB FEST 2009 sloggan. She did a great job. We each put one on (including my husband) and we drove to B's house and all stood outside her kitchen window singing HAPPY BARB FEST 2009 (to the toon of happy birthday). She laughed. We presented her with her official BARB FEST shirt (the one my husband wore).
B just called me to say she took the shirt to work and hung it up in her office for everyone to see.

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