Sunday, July 19, 2009


So much to talk about. Our friend is leaving the country for 1 year. His family decided to throw a going away party for him. Live music, great food and rain. When this man and his wife got married 2 years ago it rained all day. They threw the reception in the garage/tarp tent. Everyone had a ball eating, drinking, dancing and listening to the rain hitting the tin roof. Well yesterday was no exception. The lead singing of the band is also the garbage man (who was really good), the back up guys were a 94 year old man and his sons/grandsons (who were from another band but tried to play along with the garbage man). I bought along my daughter E and we both decided that there were alot of canidits for What Not To Wear. There was clothes there that definitely came from the 70's - hands down.

I just figured out why this woman was dressed this way. Took me almost 24 hours to get over the shock of jeans with on sides only straps with rinestones and a leather jacket with approximately 300 fringes and of course the leather cowboy hat. She was going to the same place I was going - the KISS concert. (I didn't dress like a 1979 groupie)

The KISS concert - what can I say. My "CONTACT" (B's husband) called at 2 and said he had VIP tickets if we wanted to go. We waited until 8 to make sure it was going to stop raining and that the fog would life enough for us to see the stage. So we trot down. The field where it was held has 9 baseball dimonds - with lots of rain it was very muddy. We slipped and slid as we made our way to the bleachers. My partner in crime was with me, of course. We giggled, she wore her rubber boots and I wore my flip flops - will be removing mud for a month or so from my toe nails. Then KISS started to play - great stuff - we rocked and rolled to 1 1/2 hours of songs that WE HAD NEVER HEARD. We moved our heads, smiled, laughed (alot) as the band played. I figured the people singing every song behind me were die hard fans who flew in that morning from another area of the country to see the concert). By the end of it I was starting to repeat what the people behind me were saying (just so the people in front of me could think we knew something) The last song we knew and by then I had 1 1/2 hours of rocken to fit into that one song. We rocked hard. Then the show was over. Of course they came back for a encore - we knew those songs but had made a pact that we would leave 3 songs into the encore to avoid people traffic (35,000 people and lots of slippery mud). It was a great night - even if I just moved my mouth so people would think I was a cool as them.

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