Wednesday, July 8, 2009

It happened, yet again

I AM BACK. My parents were in town so I took some time away to spend with them. Great visit. My mother loves to shop/brouse so we did that each and every day. Dad loves to read so he did plenty of that. We bought him the Sony Reader for fathers day so we got that all set up and going for him. Now he can download his books and take them with him everywhere he goes. It is a good thing because he usually travels with 4 or 5 novels. Now he can just take this one small reader and away he goes.

Dad's favorite meal is spagetti. I had all these meals planned out but he requested spagetti so of course you know I will make it. Made a big pot with garlic bread. We all sat to the table with our drinks and plates full. I put our the bottle of parmesan cheese. Dad coated his supper with it, I took it but it sounded "hard/dry" so I put my finger over the cover decided to give it a good shake. OF COURSE I didn't realize the top had two sides to the cover. I had my finger over one cover and dad had used the other side so it was still slightly opened. I shook that container as hard as I could. Parmesan cheese when everwhere. There was a 4 second pause from everyone at the table. There was cheese all over our table, supper and even in the drinks. What a mess I had to clean. I am sure I will find it under furniture and on walls for a few months to come.

I took mom shopping 3 days out of 5. She seen lots of clothes and shoes she just loved but didn't spend a cent, I on the other hand bought lots of things I didn't need and am now broke LOL.

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