Sunday, July 26, 2009


We left our home 9:15am yesterday and got to our destination at 5:03 this am. Long haul but sure worth it when my bestest newfoundland buddy was waiting for us with homemade bread and tea for all. This lady and her family use to be our neighbours but moved to Newfoundland last July. Was sure a hard day when she left. Sure was a good day when we embrased this a.m. Of course, me being a softie, had a little tear. We were suppose to arrive at 2 this morning but there were delays and rough seas so our trip got delayed. D and her daughters were flashing lights as we came into their community so that we could see their house. We always called their house THE BOAT because it use to be a boat and was converted into a house but after this morning I call it THE LIGHTHOUSE. I still wonder if M's fingers are tired from flashing that light constantly for 5 minutes.

A funny thing happened on the boat last night. We borded and found some seats for us all. Daughter #1 goes to the washroom to brush her teeth. Daughter #2 and #3 wanted to explore the ship but #1 wanted them to wait for her. #2 & #3 were frustrated that they had to wait. My husband said that he shouldn't have told her she had bad breath. #2 says "#1 yawned and she almost threw up". The youngest daughter #3 came into the conversation and said "bread sticks, who said something about bread sticks" We all look at her like she is nuts and say "BAD BREATHE not BREAD STICKS". I see we are of to a great vacation.

Friday, July 24, 2009


At our house we are big recyclers. We have our own compost, we seperate bottles from cans, we have a city recycle/compost box we use. It is a big production. We even have a bucket for bones/meat and one for food/veggie scraps. I have even started recycling bottles at work. I usually get about $3 a month for these recycles. Not much but I give the money to my daughter to put towards things. I keep the bag behind my door in my office (out of site). Our staff know where it is and put their bottles there. Well, last night the new cleaner took my bottles. I was so upset this morning to come in and see the garbage bag left there with all the bottles gone. Everyone here takes such pride in putting the bottles in the bag for E. What a big let down. I called the cleaning company and asked them to tell the guy that he is only suppose to pick up garbage not recyclables.

Speaking of recyclables, when my daughter was about 8 she and her friend decided to raise money for the local childrens hospital. They talked about lemonade stands but we convinced her that when it gets -32 here she wouldn't be selling much. They talked about bake tables, etc. Finally they decided to collect recyclables. Well, of they went with their little fisher price wagon around our neighbourhood. Back they came with a full load and they had only been to 5 houses. So my husband and the friends father decided they would take the truck and follow the girls. It was unreal how people responded to 8 year old girls raising money for such a wonder cause. Each Saturday or Sunday all four of them would get ready and hit the streets of our little town. They would come back and unload the bottles in the back yard and all of us (parents included) would seperate the bottles by price (5 cent for pop/juice bottles, 10 cent for beer bottles) We would spend the good portion of a day. This went on for approx 2 months. Finally the big day came to empty the can and see what the girls had raised. Between recycables and donations the girls had $1,000. We called the hospital and they told us that the childrens hospital telethon was coming up and that the girls were welcome to come on TV live and give their donation. The hospital/telethon gave them each a large cheque as a token of what they had done. Every now and then we find that cheque and talk about what a wonderful thing those girls had done.

Thursday, July 23, 2009


Anyone who knows me knows I LOVE TO TAKE NAP AT LUNCH TIME. I find the older I get the short time I need to sleep during the night so to catch a little nap during the day is golden. I remember a couple of times I fell asleep and woke myself snoring.

My husband and myself were lying in bed the other night and I decided it was time to change the answering machine. He insisted he wanted to be involved and even came up with our new idea. It is corny but cute. I say Hello (pause) he says Hello. I say "hang up the phone hon I have it ..... You get the picture. We thought we were so funny. We keep calling people and telling them to call. They think we are loosers (B that is you).

Another fun thing that happened is that B's inlaws are in town. They came to my place 2 nights in a row to play cards with my husband and their son and grand son. B and myself sneak down into the tv room to watch Coronation Street on line. It is one of our many guilty pleasures. I tried to watch it on tv the other night with my husband K in the room and I was trying to explain the story line to him but he didn't get it. I think maybe he didn't understand what they were saying. I don't understand that as we have the same accent. It was kind of embarrassing actually because he though it was lame. I think after this week I might have him hooked though. I even have him hooked to So You Think You Can Dance. He enjoys watching it with me.

My most favorite guilty pleasure is my 8pm treat each night. An Ice Cream Sandwich. Each night at 8 K ask me if I want one. Sure do. We are like kids in a candy store eating our hidden ice cream. Yes we hid them. I have at least 6 different types of ice cream for the kids but they all eat our treat soI have to hid them. Sometimes when I get down on myself and think I am "larger than the average bear" I put the ice cream out where the girls can see them so they can eat them all.

Sunday, July 19, 2009


So much to talk about. Our friend is leaving the country for 1 year. His family decided to throw a going away party for him. Live music, great food and rain. When this man and his wife got married 2 years ago it rained all day. They threw the reception in the garage/tarp tent. Everyone had a ball eating, drinking, dancing and listening to the rain hitting the tin roof. Well yesterday was no exception. The lead singing of the band is also the garbage man (who was really good), the back up guys were a 94 year old man and his sons/grandsons (who were from another band but tried to play along with the garbage man). I bought along my daughter E and we both decided that there were alot of canidits for What Not To Wear. There was clothes there that definitely came from the 70's - hands down.

I just figured out why this woman was dressed this way. Took me almost 24 hours to get over the shock of jeans with on sides only straps with rinestones and a leather jacket with approximately 300 fringes and of course the leather cowboy hat. She was going to the same place I was going - the KISS concert. (I didn't dress like a 1979 groupie)

The KISS concert - what can I say. My "CONTACT" (B's husband) called at 2 and said he had VIP tickets if we wanted to go. We waited until 8 to make sure it was going to stop raining and that the fog would life enough for us to see the stage. So we trot down. The field where it was held has 9 baseball dimonds - with lots of rain it was very muddy. We slipped and slid as we made our way to the bleachers. My partner in crime was with me, of course. We giggled, she wore her rubber boots and I wore my flip flops - will be removing mud for a month or so from my toe nails. Then KISS started to play - great stuff - we rocked and rolled to 1 1/2 hours of songs that WE HAD NEVER HEARD. We moved our heads, smiled, laughed (alot) as the band played. I figured the people singing every song behind me were die hard fans who flew in that morning from another area of the country to see the concert). By the end of it I was starting to repeat what the people behind me were saying (just so the people in front of me could think we knew something) The last song we knew and by then I had 1 1/2 hours of rocken to fit into that one song. We rocked hard. Then the show was over. Of course they came back for a encore - we knew those songs but had made a pact that we would leave 3 songs into the encore to avoid people traffic (35,000 people and lots of slippery mud). It was a great night - even if I just moved my mouth so people would think I was a cool as them.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

the telephone

Our lady that answers the phone at work is of on vacation. So we have all been chipping in to get the phone when it rings. I think someone just call me thinking I was tim hortons. He ordered a coffee when I answered. Then he said who did I call, I think I called the wrong number. YOU THINK SO. I am thinking that he might have been at a drive through ordering coffee when I answered and he said his order into the phone instead of the speaker. Lets hope so.

How often do you go through a drive through and be on the cel phone. My husband is famous for it. So is my sister "B". When our daughters were young I use to pretend I was a bunny on a bike when my husband was ordering coffee, or I would pretend that I was one of the girls and say "daddy can I have a donut" The girls would crack up laughing and my husband would be so embarrassed. Sucks to be married to me some days LOLOL.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Someone's turning 40

My "partner in crime" B is turning 40 this coming Friday. Of course she has labled the week BARB FEST 2009. Her husband is to buy her a little something for each day leading up to Barb Fest 2009. Something simple yet fun. Yesterday he bought her a case of gum. He said she will have enough for a month.
My daughter and B are very close. E (my daughter) wanted to make some Barb Fest 2009 tshirts so I gave her 3 tshirts and she painted each one with the BARB FEST 2009 sloggan. She did a great job. We each put one on (including my husband) and we drove to B's house and all stood outside her kitchen window singing HAPPY BARB FEST 2009 (to the toon of happy birthday). She laughed. We presented her with her official BARB FEST shirt (the one my husband wore).
B just called me to say she took the shirt to work and hung it up in her office for everyone to see.

Monday, July 13, 2009


I have a phobia to mice, actually all rodents. I just hate the. They freak me out. Well, late friday night, around 12:30, I could hear my cat in the kitchen window crying to come in. We usually try to keep them in the house but it is hard in the summer because we like the doors open and they want to be out. I am all snuggly in my bed when I hear her; I know I have to go let her in or she will cry up there all night and keep us awake. So I get out of bed and stomp my way to the kitchen just to see that she is not in the window. I go to the dining room and turn on the light over the patio and sure enough there she is inside my gazabo. I open the door to get her in and she stops and drops a mouse. I FREAK. I call my husband to come and get the cat and save the mouse. He is in his underwear running around the deck after this cat who, does not want to be caught. Finally I say, hon come in and let nature take its course. Sure enough the next morning when I go out with my morning coffee, there are dead mouse parts under my chair. I go to the lower deck and decide to sit there and there are mouse parts there also. I wait for my husband to get up, pick it up and I bleached the spots.

This story reminds me of 2 other stories. One was over the past winter. I had a croud at my place and we are all laughing and talking, sitting around the living room. We have the doors open because, as usual I have the woodstove in, in the basement. For some reason I just happen to look down in front of me and there was the biggest dead mouse I had ever seen. The cat was sitting right proud to give me a little present. I just started to scream and I was scurrying to climb the couch and wall. I scared everyone half to death with my curdling screams. My poor sister B (partner in crime) was next to me scream for no apparent reason other than the fact I was screaming like a maniac. My husband just scooped that mouse up and left the house. I ran for the mop and bleach.

The second story is when I had bought some new furniture 2 years ago. The furniture delivery guys came and started bringing in furniture. All the doors were open for the joyest occasion. When the guys put together my new dining room table we all came out to see it. I looked down and there on the floor was a dead mouse without a head. I started screaming and climbing up on the new chairs. Everyone just looked at this raving idiot trying to climb up on the chandler by this time. My husband looked down to see the mouse. The delivery guys left at this point, no doubt laughing all the way back to the warehouse.

What is it with me and mice and those cats. The cats always leave little presents at the front door for us. This year they havn't bringing them home or havn't been killing so much (not sure which - think it is the first one)

Friday, July 10, 2009

Like daughter like father

As you may have read, my parents were here visiting us. I dropped them at the airport on Wednesday morning for their 12 hour flight home. Every time they travel they get their friend Louise to drop them at the airport and pick them up. In return Louise uses their car for the time they are away. Well, sure enough when they got back to their airport Louise was waiting for them with a big smile. Mom hugged her and started telling her about the wonderful time she had, and about her wonderful daughters and wonderful grandchildren (yes we are all that wonderful) They talked the whole time that dad was retreiving the luggage. The talked all the way to the car, talked the whole time dad loaded the luggage into the trunk, talked as he opened the back door and closed it. Mom and Louise had a full 2 weeks of talking to catch up on. Louise was going to drive home. So she pulled out of the parking spot and started driving away. Mom realized that they had no change in the car for the parking attendant; she rummaged through her purse for change; she asked dad twice for a dollar, but he wouldn't even reply. Didn't matter, mom always has a purse full of change and she found the money she needed to pay. Mom and Louise continued to talk as they headed for home. For some reason mom turned around to ask dad something to realize HE WASN'T IN THE CAR. "OH MY LOUISE WE FORGOT F (dad). Louise spun that car around in the middle of the road. Where was F she asked. Of course mom and Louise started to laugh. When they got back to the airport there was dad stood there, not looking very impressed at them both. Apparently when he opened the back door he layed his laptop bag inside the car and went to bring the luggage cart back to the building and when he turned around Louise and mom were gone. He looked across the parking lot to see them leaving so he started to jog towards them when he realised they didn't know he wasn't there.

Guess Louise and mom won't live this one down for many years to come.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

It happened, yet again

I AM BACK. My parents were in town so I took some time away to spend with them. Great visit. My mother loves to shop/brouse so we did that each and every day. Dad loves to read so he did plenty of that. We bought him the Sony Reader for fathers day so we got that all set up and going for him. Now he can download his books and take them with him everywhere he goes. It is a good thing because he usually travels with 4 or 5 novels. Now he can just take this one small reader and away he goes.

Dad's favorite meal is spagetti. I had all these meals planned out but he requested spagetti so of course you know I will make it. Made a big pot with garlic bread. We all sat to the table with our drinks and plates full. I put our the bottle of parmesan cheese. Dad coated his supper with it, I took it but it sounded "hard/dry" so I put my finger over the cover decided to give it a good shake. OF COURSE I didn't realize the top had two sides to the cover. I had my finger over one cover and dad had used the other side so it was still slightly opened. I shook that container as hard as I could. Parmesan cheese when everwhere. There was a 4 second pause from everyone at the table. There was cheese all over our table, supper and even in the drinks. What a mess I had to clean. I am sure I will find it under furniture and on walls for a few months to come.

I took mom shopping 3 days out of 5. She seen lots of clothes and shoes she just loved but didn't spend a cent, I on the other hand bought lots of things I didn't need and am now broke LOL.