Thursday, October 29, 2009


As you all know the H1N1 (Swine Flu) is on the rise. Everyone is out fighting for vacanations. Well, in our office one of the staff had the Swine Flu and spent most of the week here at work before the doctors office called her to let her know. I have been at this ladies desk for a month now, helping her, grabing the mouse to show her stuff, drinking her coffee (by accident - thought it was my tea) and I have no sign of the Swine. I just had a major revolation - I can't get the swine flu because I DON'T EAT PORK.

Life has been so busy lately. Last night I went look at an apartment for my parents and didn't get home until late. Had to grab some supper, partner in crime came for coffee, dogs were running mad and my daughter is learning the guitar so she is perched on a chair playing for us. My sister B said "to bad you can't play the Edmund Fitzgerald" well didn't I have the cords and song in my guitar case. We get it out and show it to my daughter. She starts to try to pick up the notes so I decide to sing it. I start with "The leg end lives on from the Chippewa " WAIT that does not sound right, so I start again and so does she. I start singing "The leg end lives on from the Chippewa" WAIT why doesn't this sound right. B pipes up and says "it is LEGEND you idiot not leg ends" OH I get it now. On the notes it was devided by a dash and since I was concentrating on the guitar notes I guess I missed that one.

B and myself took guitar lessons one time. What a great 10 lessons. The 9 people in the class played and I sang. I didn't learn to play the guitar but what great vocal cords I now have.

Friday, October 16, 2009

The bed has never felt better

Last evening I decided to run to the supermarket to grab some food for a dinner I am having Saturday night. As I pulled out of the subdivision I could smell this strong smell of gas. My daughter and myself figured it was the car in front of us. I started driving and the smell stayed just as strong. I even slowed down to let the car go further along so we could get rid of the smell but it didn't go away. All of a sudden I look down at the gas hand and it is at 1/4 then all of a sudden my gas light was on. Luckly for me I was approaching a gas station. I pulled in and looked under and gas was pouring out of my car. I called my husband who, as usual came to my rescue. He came out in his lumber jacket, tore up, paint stained track pants and old dress shoes (odviously took the time to dress for the occasion) - I guess I shouldn't critise as he did wear a tshirt this time (my friends will know what I mean). He got under that hood, I held the flashlight, and he tore that car apart and put it back together, tore it apart again and put it back together AND tore it apart for the 3rd time and seen exactly what the problem was. Of course, for anyone who knows my husband, he had a spear part at home in the garage. So we all pile into the van, stinking of gas, and head home. 20 minutes later we are back - dressed better for the weather this time, and he tears the car apart again, changes some oil rings on some part under the hood and wala, the car starts and the gas is stopped gushing. 2 hours later, in minus 2 temperatures we finally get home. I couldn't wait to get under the covers and get warm.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Other peoples stories

We got our driveway paved today - big exciting times for my husband. He actually took the day of work to over see the whole event.

My co worker told me this story today and she laughed I screamed. I had to share it with you. Her friend went away on vacation last week. The friend asked her father to look after the cat - drop in and feed it/change the litter. The father accidently let the cat out of the house. He couldn't find the cat. He went home but asked the ladies brother, who was her neighbour, to watch out for the cat. The brother looked over the neighbourhood all day and eventually found the cat dead - hit by a car. The father told the brother to put the cat in a bag and put it in the freezer so the sister could see it to say her last goodbyes. He then called his sister and told her the cat was dead. The sister was upset. When she came home she walked into the house and low and behold there was the cat at the door, starving. She looked at her husband and said "if that is our cat who's cat is in the freezer". AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHh I would have screamed and ran out the door.

Anyone missing a cat???

Thursday, October 8, 2009

It has been such a busy week. I have had work functions since Tuesday and today I am back in the office for a few hours then of to another dinner. Back to normal tomorrow. 2 things happened this morning - one funny and the other a good thing. First, I had to work at our company booth at the convention this am. My collegue game at 12 to releive me. I had to comment to her beautiful jacket. I say "is it new" and before she could answer me I noticed the price tag, extra button and size tag hanging of her arm put of the jacket. I had to laugh. Then I leave to come back to work and notice I need gas. I stop at a SHELL gas station and get out and this little old man ask me how my day was going. I couldn't believe it, he was actually the gas attendant who had come to put gas in the car for me. I was shocked, and told him so, that there was actually still a gas station around that still did this. That was the best part of the day.

Thursday, October 1, 2009


In our province it is illegal to drive and talk on the cel phone. Yesterday I am driving home from work and my cel phone starts to ring. I figure it is one of my 2 girls as they are the only one's who call me on it. I haul it out and put it on my lap and say HELLO. Now, my girls know to talk really loud so I can hear them. Well, all I hear is a mumble. I am thinking "E is playing soccer, I hope she didn't get hurt and it is a parent/teacher calling" I scream out, can you speak up I can't hear you. Still only a mumble. I scream "Hold on, I have to pull over and I am going 100km on the highway" I am a bit frustrated at this point. I get to the side of the road, without killing myself or anyone else. I pick up the phone and isn't it our Head Office trying to track me down for some information. I started to laugh, because this lady is probably thinking I am nuts. I apoligized for the conversation but explain how it all sent down. I couldn't stop laughing. Needless to say, she won't be calling my cel any time soon.