Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The vacation is over but we have funny memories

Our vacation may be over but we have some funny stories to share with our friends. Like the guy who was hitchhiking one way but walking the other way. He didn't look like the "sharpest tool in the shed".

We had finally left my husbands family and were heading back to my friends house for a few days. We were a little tired and found the 3 hour drive very long. We decided to stop to stretch our legs and have a washroom break. I told my husband there was a large gas station/restaurant just ahead. We come to an over pass and he says "up this way" I say no but of course he didn't listen and turned of. I am looking at him with my usual "where are we going now" look. He sees me and says that I am the one who should have told him. Lets back track here, my mother has a habit of pointing to where she wants dad to turn even if he has been to that place 1 thousand times. Well I do the same thing. I always point. I am trying to stop it because it annoys my husband when he is driving. Well I didn't do it the other day and look where it got us - on the wrong highway. So we backtrack (which takes a while because there was no easy exit back to our highway) We get on the highway and pull into the gas station. We all get out and walk around. Times are sure good - we all get slushies. We feel refreshed until my husband realizes that he has left his sunglasses on the slushie machine. I run in and grab them and run out just to discover that some lady has opened her car door and we can't get of the parking lot. We stear, glear and finally she realizes we are there and closes the door. Seems to be a habit in the parking lot because as we were pulling in some lady was doing the same thing, only to discover she was changing a diaper (ha). Anyway, we start to leave the parking lot and there are 2 travel trailers pulling car's in front of us. So my husband decides to out run the trailers, spins around and takes of across the parking lot to another exit. He is so proud of himself, he sees me laughing uncontrolable, figuring that I am laughing at his smart move. Then he realizes why I am laughing -- WE ARE GOING THE WRONG WAY, back towards where we just came from. He wasn't impressed, we had to go up around an overpass and back down the way we were lost the first time. As we go under the overpass, the 2 travel trailers are going overhead. I say "you outrun them all right if you were going back the highway we just came from" He growled.

We get to our friends house, finally, after stopping to watch some boats go down a river rapid, and watched some men salmon fishing. I have to say Newfoundland & Labrador must be the most beautiful province. So much natural beauty. We decide to take the kids back to their swimming hole they have found. Our husbands decide to go in. Not a good idea. The kids didn't mind the cold water but the men almost died. I thought we would have to call for a medic at one point when my husband was getting in. I sat and took some pics. It was to funny. My husband actually went down some rapids and got stuck. He was holding a rock for dear life hoping not to be swept into the sea. We thought he was joking at first but no, he was stuck. One of the girls walked out to him and helped him get safely to calm waters. Why is it that men have to be courious and explore dangerous waters.

We left our friends house at 4am to drive to the ferry. We see one moose on the way, everyone is very excited about that. We get to the ferry terminal just to find out it is delayed by 5 1/2 hours. Then the terminal made the misteak of offering free meal vouchers to each person. My husband never moved so fast in his life. His little legs ran across the parking lot. He came back with one for each of us. We had just had coffee and muffins so we decide to wait a little longer before going in to eat. At around 9:30 we went in and the girls were planning to have small breakfast each but my husband wouldn't hear of this. Everyone had to order a big breakfast cause it is free. We all order and then one of the girls asked if she could get a muffing. The lady at the counter made another big misteak, she said we could have what ever we wanted because it was free. Well by the time we left the cash registrar the lady had to give my husband a plastic bag to put all his cookies, muffins and yogarts in. Never tell my husband it is a free. That man loves to eat. Of course while we are waiting for our breakfast my husband made tea and threw the milk and sugar containers in the garbage along with OUR FOOD ORDER NUMBER. I told him not to worry about it as they would remember us and our order when time came to pick it up and I had also noted that when they sung out a order number they didn't take the slip of paper with the number from the customer. Well this wasn't good enough for him, he went to the garbage and had a look inside. The girls and myself told him to stay away from the garbage as we would be embarrassed if he dug into it. But no, he kept walking over and looking inside. At one point he saw the number and reached in to get it, pulled it out and it was the wrong slip. Leave it to him. Our number finally got called and he got our meals and all was good. We finally borded the ferry and got home safe and sound without any more incidents.

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