Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Sunshine and Lunch

Just got back from lunch with my partner in crime B. She was out my way on business and dropped in and we went for salad. I miss lunch with B. We worked in the same office tower for years and went to lunch every day with each other. Now it is only once every "blue moon" that we get to eat lunch together.

The sun is shining out there today. The humitity has been so bad the last few days. 24 deg but if feels like 31. My husband had to take 3 showers yesterday. Hard enought to get him to take 1 a day let along 3. He is of for 2 more weeks of vacation. He has a long list of things to do around the house but put all those aside so he could finish my craft room. That man can be funny. Not sure why he is putting of the things that need to be done but he is. He enjoys manual labour so much. At least someone in our house does LOL.

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