Sunday, August 16, 2009


This is a sad but great blog. My father took a heart attach this week.My partner in crime B and myself hoped on a plane and headed out to assess the situation. My brother and his wife did the same. My father needed a 5 valve replacement bypass. The doctors are in awe that this man is still alive. We are very greatful to God that this man is alive. It was the hardest thing to walk into ICU yesterday and see him lying in a bed so hopeless. This man that has been the rock of our family for 70 years was now lying in bed with so many tubes and iv's hanging out of him. Well, let me tell you, we just got back from our Good Night visit and he is 1000% improved from yesterday. It is a wonderful day today. Yesterday was the scarest day of our lives and today is one of the best. We made the family decision that our 2 other sisters will come out during the next few weeks and to spend time with mom and dad when dad gets back. I know that is hard for them not to be here but because we all live so far away from our parents we have to come in shifts. It does not matter that we have to sit all day just so we can go in and see dad for a 5 minutes. He is back to himself today as he is bord. Just gave him a new book and his flashlight. He needed the light so he can see the clock during the night.

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