Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Nice and sunny again today - hung out a load of laundry. I had a weird thing happen yesterday. It was 27 deg here so I sat out on the deck at work to eat lunch. I guess the heat got to me because I smelt sweatie (very uncommon for me by the way). I asked our receptionist "if you smelt sweatie would you want me to tell you" After a minute or two of us talking back and forth we both decided that we would want someone to tell us to avoid the further embarrassment of everyone we came in contact with to be thinking that we smelled. She then looked at me, shocked, and said "WHY DO I SMELL SWEATIE" I said no I do but I just wanted to know if you would have told me if you smelt it. WE laughed because it was such a stupid conversation but so true. Wouldn't you want someone to tell you if there was "bats in the batcave".

Needless to say I went and picked up my daughter at the barn, where it was quite colder as it over looks the ocean, headed home for a BBQ with my family and sisters (one of my sisters drops in every evening so our dogs can play - she sat and ate some fries with us just because she could). First time I had a mushroom burger and I must say it was excellent. Life sure is good.

Some days can be really busy. Just now one of my old clients walked in (I now work in a different department). He is a talker - I could hear his voice. I was thinking about slowly sliping out of my chair, under my desk for a short "break" Then I thought he won't come back here BUT then he went into the office across from mine. I hid behind my computer reading something, thinking "can I still slip under my desk without him seeing me" BUT NO I COULDN'T. Bingo, he sings out HELLO GRUMPY - I smile and welcome him into my office just like an old lost friend.I thought he would stay talking about nothing all afternoon - but he didn't - odviously busy like myself. Close call. Next time I will slide under my desk LOL

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