Tuesday, April 28, 2009

27 out on the deck at work - great day to sit out and eat lunch. It reminds me of when I moved here 17 years ago. I had never been into fitness but wanted to meet new friends so thought what a better way than to joint a step arobic class. I went to my first class in shorts and noticed everyone wearing spandex pants. That evening I went out and bought myself a pair right away. The next day I went to class and thought I looked good because everyone was watching me (the class was layed out with 3 sides looking towards the instructor in the middle) I went home all revived and loving my new home. As I sat down on the couch to watch a bit of TV I noticed some "cool" air down around the crotch of my pants. SURE ENOUGH the while crotch of my pants had seperated. No wonder everyone was looking at me during step arobics. All they could see was the big idiot with no crotch in her pants. I DIDN"T GO BACK ahhaha

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