Thursday, April 30, 2009

Last evening I took our 2 youngest daughters to see HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL live. (gave them tickets a while ago as a gift) Sometimes I forget how funny 14 and 15 year olds can be. The 15 year old told me after the fact that she wasn't to fussy about going but didn't mention it to me because I was so excited to take them. Well let me tell you, when it was over all I heard was THAT WAS THE BEST GIFT EVER. During the while show they were giggling and talking about the actors (particular #6 and the guy with the cool sneakers). As we were leaving the theatre I mentioned that sometimes the actors are on the lower lever for autographs. They ran down the stairs giggling. I stood by the door watching EVERYONE leave. Finally I see them coming, bearly breathing from excitement. #6 had signed their programs and the guy with the cools sneakers was cutier than #6 (LOL) and they took pictures of HIS SNEAKERS. One daughter is not going to use her pen ever again and the other is NEVER going to wash her hand. I laughed the whole way to the car - I have never seen the girls like this before.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Nice and sunny again today - hung out a load of laundry. I had a weird thing happen yesterday. It was 27 deg here so I sat out on the deck at work to eat lunch. I guess the heat got to me because I smelt sweatie (very uncommon for me by the way). I asked our receptionist "if you smelt sweatie would you want me to tell you" After a minute or two of us talking back and forth we both decided that we would want someone to tell us to avoid the further embarrassment of everyone we came in contact with to be thinking that we smelled. She then looked at me, shocked, and said "WHY DO I SMELL SWEATIE" I said no I do but I just wanted to know if you would have told me if you smelt it. WE laughed because it was such a stupid conversation but so true. Wouldn't you want someone to tell you if there was "bats in the batcave".

Needless to say I went and picked up my daughter at the barn, where it was quite colder as it over looks the ocean, headed home for a BBQ with my family and sisters (one of my sisters drops in every evening so our dogs can play - she sat and ate some fries with us just because she could). First time I had a mushroom burger and I must say it was excellent. Life sure is good.

Some days can be really busy. Just now one of my old clients walked in (I now work in a different department). He is a talker - I could hear his voice. I was thinking about slowly sliping out of my chair, under my desk for a short "break" Then I thought he won't come back here BUT then he went into the office across from mine. I hid behind my computer reading something, thinking "can I still slip under my desk without him seeing me" BUT NO I COULDN'T. Bingo, he sings out HELLO GRUMPY - I smile and welcome him into my office just like an old lost friend.I thought he would stay talking about nothing all afternoon - but he didn't - odviously busy like myself. Close call. Next time I will slide under my desk LOL

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

27 out on the deck at work - great day to sit out and eat lunch. It reminds me of when I moved here 17 years ago. I had never been into fitness but wanted to meet new friends so thought what a better way than to joint a step arobic class. I went to my first class in shorts and noticed everyone wearing spandex pants. That evening I went out and bought myself a pair right away. The next day I went to class and thought I looked good because everyone was watching me (the class was layed out with 3 sides looking towards the instructor in the middle) I went home all revived and loving my new home. As I sat down on the couch to watch a bit of TV I noticed some "cool" air down around the crotch of my pants. SURE ENOUGH the while crotch of my pants had seperated. No wonder everyone was looking at me during step arobics. All they could see was the big idiot with no crotch in her pants. I DIDN"T GO BACK ahhaha

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Sunny, did gardening, went to the barn to watch my daughter ride a horse. She looked beautiful on the horse. The barn is on a hill over looking the ocean. Had supper with my sisters and families. Nothing nicer than family, a bottle of wine (or two) BBQ and a game of pass the ace.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Sunny and 19 today - our Home & School committee had an auction today and raised over $8,000 for our school. My carrot cake got sold for $35.00 YIPPEE

Friday, April 24, 2009

It is a lovely day here. I am driving to work singing Van Halen and I spy a yellow (bright sun yellow) scooter waiting to pull of a street. As I approach I am taken back - the mean scooter driver is wearing a hells angle type SCULL HANKY around his face. Oh man I need to start carrying that camera.

This evening I realized that I am turning into my mother. Mom is a wonderful little woman who LOVES A BARGIN - dad calls her Betty Bargins. She giggles just like a school girl when she gets a good one - calling all her daughters to tell us. Today I went to the local grocery store. If you buy gas at their gas station you get coupons towards free groceries. When I went to the check out I told the lady I had a few and proceeded to haul out about 10 coupons of different dominations. When she finished subtracting the totals the store actually OWNED ME 23 CENTS. Can you imagine - free groceries and money back. I couldn't wait to get home to call mom. WE LAUGHED together like school girls. Such a good day.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

I am Very excited - I just received a RED SHOE TAPE DISPENSER. I have displayed it on my desk for the world to see. I will have to start taking pictures so I can show things off such as my RED SHOE TAPE DISPENSER. Of course when the delivery guy came I did not have on shoes. What is it with me and shoes.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Good day to start a Blog

I have decided to start blogging because EVERYDAY without fail I have something happen to me that is funny and my family suggested that I write a book. I have been following some blog's for a while so decided to just blog instead. Hope everyone enjoys

Today, as usual started of as a normal cold rainy April day (April showers bring May flowers - I should have a yard full). Get to work and as usual take of my shoes while sitting at my desk. My co-worker asked me to unlock the managers door to his office. I jump up and slip on my shoes - thinking they felt kind of funny - look down and have on a flat dress shoe and a sandle which is on the wrong foot - WHATS A GIRL TO DO - DANCE. Yes I did a dance for my co-workers.

Life is like this for me. No need to be embarrassed when this stuff happens all the time. LIFE IS GOOD