Wednesday, October 16, 2013


Haven't written in quite some time - figured it was time again to start writing - why keep this "funny" to myself.
As many of you know, my parents moved into our extension 2 years ago. Last evening at supper time my husband and myself are having a quiet dinner when we hear a tv on and its really loud. We were wondering if it was dad but if it had been him the tv would have been muffled because of the door between our place and their's. We go down stairs figuring our tv in our bedroom had popped on. No, it was the tv in the washroom. Now this tv is only used when my husband is soaking in the tub with the jets going watching a football game  - that is why it is so loud.  We turn it down and turn it off. A minute later it pops back on.  I go out to visit my parents and to see if dad has been playing with remotes. We came to the conclusion that when dad turns on the tv in his bedroom it turns on the tv in my bathroom. Not sure why is there is no direct access to each tv and it has never happened in the 2 years they have lived there.  Around 9:30 last night my tv poped back on. I go visit dad and he is sitting in his living room. Figured my theory was gone but he said he had just went into his bedroom to turn on the tv as he was going to bed to watch the ball game.

WELL 3 this morning, dad woke to check the score of the game and guess what happened, my tv popped on. I turned the volume off and decided since I'm up I would go to the washroom. On the way out my tv popped back on again.  Come to the conclusion when dad turns off his tv it also either turns off my tv or turns it on.   At 6 this morning when I got up for the day the tv was on again - I just walked out and got a coffee. Not playing that game LOL

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