Friday, April 23, 2010

French menu

Yesterday, a few of us from the office went out for lunch. Beautiful restaurant, nice atmosphere. We were all reading the menu trying to decide what to order. The lady next to me asked what I was having and I said I was thinging about "blah blah" She asked me where that was because she didn't see it. I pointed it out and she actually said what she was thinking out loud "that is the french side of the menu". I stop, look at her and then at the other person at the table and look back at her. I say as nicely as possible without laughing in her face "there is no french side to this menu" We are in Nova Scotia where we don't have french menu so I don't know why she thought this so I ask.

Here is her reasoning - on one side of the menu is said SPAGHETTINI ALLA BALOGNESE directly across it said SPAGHETTINI ALLA CARBONARA. She just figured it was french. She didn't read the rest of the right side to see other food options because it was "french" I am still laughing at this HAHAHA I told her she would make my blog - good think she is cute

Friday, April 9, 2010

Nails, vacations and friends

Basically all my friends have gone on vacation, left their kids with me and I did their nails. End of story. Actually, most of the people around me are one to all inclusives this week. Amazing how a few years only the elite when to such places and now it is so common. My friend E and her husband S are one on their honeymoon and their youngest daughter A (16) is staying with me. This kid cracks us up. She works 2 jobs and plays rugby with the school and just got invited to play with a provincial team. She is as tough as nails. She likes to come stay with us while her mother is away. When I went to get her earlier at work my daugher E and myself went into a drug store and bought some nail art paint. I did their nails. Nice to have girls around to play with.