Monday, February 1, 2010

7 Companyworthy Casseroles

OH MY NERVES, I haven't been able to write this blog for months from work but for some unknown reason I just got in. WOW. Been a busy few months. Just got back from a road trip - travelled 5 hours by car, 8 hours by boat, 2 1/2 hours by car again (not my car) just to surprise my friend for her 40th birthday. Of course my partner in crime (B) had to come. We had so much fun and ate to much - the Newfie way. Our trip back was eventful one - of course I was there so it had to be eventful. We get up yesterday at 6 to shower and hit the road. My friend and her husband were taking us back to the boat (2 1/2 drive away) The snow started falling - we couldn't believe it. About 25 minutes into the drive we stopped for gas. The van wouldn't start. My friend call his cousin to give him a lift home to get his car as we had to be at the ferry terminal 1 hour before it set sail at 11:30. So my friends leave myself, B and our 2 kids in the van in a snow storm and drive home to get another vehicle. Of course we knew this would take approx 1 hour. We kept taking bathroom stops just so we could go inside the gas station to get warm. Finally the attendant said for us to come in and wait. We go in and get the kids a hot chocolate each - when we look out here comes "P" with his car. We run out get our luggage and start the next leg of our journey. At 10:15 I call the ferry company to plead my case and they tell me to keep coming, that if we were late they couldn't guarantee us passage but if we got there at least 5 minutes early they would let us board as we were walk on passengers. 45 minutes later we pull into the station with 15 minutes to spear. THANK GOD PAUL CAN DRIVE LIKE A MANIAC IN A SNOW STORM. The roads were horrible - I kept my eyes closed most of the trip. Myself and B run in to the counter to get our tickets - and wouldn't you know it - the ferry is delayed for 1 hour. So we sit and wait finally we get the word we can now board. We get on, get good seats and wait. The captain comes on and says that we are going to be further delayed as they have a technical problem. Can you believe that. After all that the boat is late leaving by 1 1/2 hours. We sit and eat our lunch in preparation for a rough crossing. B and the kids take a gravel each which was a good idea because they all slept most of the trip. We tossed and turned the whole way as the ship had to do high speeds to make up for lost time. Oh well, we finally get to the other side and have to wait almost 1 hour to get of because walking passengers have to be last to get of as they mini bus has to drive on to get us. We get of, walk through lots of snow to where I have parked my car for the weekend and head home. The forcast was a clear night but let me tell you one thing - it snowed for 2 hours and the roads were completely covered in some areas. We made it home at 11 last night, tired but relaxed.

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