Sunday, December 13, 2009

Cocktail Hour

Last night was my christmas dinner with work. We went to a very posh restaurant in our city. The meal was SO GOOD. We ate, laughed and drank wine. At the end of the evening when coffee came around I ordered a coffee for my husband (he was outside having a cigerate) When he came in he asked if I had ordered a speciality coffee for him. I hadn't. So he asked the waiter for a shot of armadillo. The waiter says "pardon" I pipe up and say "armadillo you know it taste like cherries" He looks confussed and say's armadillo and I say yes armadillo WAIT A MINUTE, STOP THE HORSES I look at my husband who is killing himself laughing. I say ARMARILLO not armidello. The waiter said he was starting to question his drink skills before we both realized what my husband had done.

You know the apple does not fall far from the tree. My parents just bought a new vehicle - B went with them so she is my witness to this. When purchasing it the salesman need some info from them, such as their work address. Dad says Mississauga. The salesman said how do you spell that. Dad and the salesman both got the MISSISS but after that stopped. Mom sits up straight, very proud of her self and says M I S S I S S IP P A. She sits back in her chair very proud of herself. My sister "B", father and salesman all look at her smug look and then all of a sudden she realizes what she had spelled. Yes the apples does not fall far from the tree.

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