Tuesday, December 15, 2009

I am not writing this blog to "toot my own horn" just to say some things happen over again and amaze me. I am a "in your face" type of person. Have to jump in feet first and do things. At work I use to be an executive assistant and to this day still do that job even thought I have a new position. I have to have everything just perfect (or try).

Last April our school held an auction. I joined the committee. The lady running the committee's husband has cancer so she had things on her mind besides the auction. She was so organized it was amazing and she is one lady to look up to. I tried to help her as much as possible, along with a few other women. We came to weekly meetings, got donations, prepared baskets and organized all auction items. The last week we were at the school every night organizing and preparing. The evening before the auction I raced to the school from work in my van and loaded all the items aboard. The next morning, bright and early I got all the buckers together, markers, stickers and prizes and headed of to the taveron to set up. A couple of ladies were there to help that morning right at 10 so we would be ready for the croud at 1pm. I helped organize all the leadership group who attended to help. Made sure each item was shown properly. At the end of the day the leader of our committee got up and thanked everyone by name EXCEPT ME. My sister "B" also came to help. She looked at me and said "she forgot you" I put on a brave face and said yes, must be an oversite. I have to admit I was a little taken back but it was a crazy day and personally I forgot all about it (after 5 or 6 days hahaha).

Well it happened again this week at work. One of our top Finance Managers mother died. I ran down to the card store and bought a card, got all the staff to sign it and mailed it of to his home. (He lives in another province) Well Friday afternoon he sent a thank you to all our office, D, P, D, K & L. WAIT A MINUTE. I started to laugh. What about Cheryl. I have met him only once but everyone knows me. I have been with the company for 17 years and talk non stop and and and. Yes I could go on but who really cares. Someone in the office laughed to and said "you even went and bought the card and L has never met him but he mentioned her" I know it was an oversite and at the end of the day I am the only one who noticed or cared. For an IN YOUR FACE type of person I guess I don't have a face or name HAHA

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Cocktail Hour

Last night was my christmas dinner with work. We went to a very posh restaurant in our city. The meal was SO GOOD. We ate, laughed and drank wine. At the end of the evening when coffee came around I ordered a coffee for my husband (he was outside having a cigerate) When he came in he asked if I had ordered a speciality coffee for him. I hadn't. So he asked the waiter for a shot of armadillo. The waiter says "pardon" I pipe up and say "armadillo you know it taste like cherries" He looks confussed and say's armadillo and I say yes armadillo WAIT A MINUTE, STOP THE HORSES I look at my husband who is killing himself laughing. I say ARMARILLO not armidello. The waiter said he was starting to question his drink skills before we both realized what my husband had done.

You know the apple does not fall far from the tree. My parents just bought a new vehicle - B went with them so she is my witness to this. When purchasing it the salesman need some info from them, such as their work address. Dad says Mississauga. The salesman said how do you spell that. Dad and the salesman both got the MISSISS but after that stopped. Mom sits up straight, very proud of her self and says M I S S I S S IP P A. She sits back in her chair very proud of herself. My sister "B", father and salesman all look at her smug look and then all of a sudden she realizes what she had spelled. Yes the apples does not fall far from the tree.

Friday, December 11, 2009

the village idiot

At work today our CEO and RVP came to visit. They are here for our christmas dinner tomorrow. They came today for a meeting with the staff - gave us an overview of the year and what is happening in the company. We are all sat in the meeting listening to every word, commenting when necessary. I being me, take of my shoe so I could put my foot up on the leg of the table - not being noticed by anyone except my college "P". Paul likes to play pranks like he did when he was a kid. He is 49 - past the kid and prank stage.

He looked down and seen my shoe, hooked it with his foot, pulled his chair into the board room table and flicked the shoe under the table, where I could not reach it. I am trying not to laugh - making eye contact to the lady next to me and our manager. Both don't understand what my problem is. Then across the table one of the other guys "D" see's my shoe, takes it with his feet and moves it up next to our CEO, who looks down and is wondering where the shoe came from. Right in the middle of a pretty heated discussion with one of our managers and our RVP I have to cut in and explain why our CEO has a shoe at his feet. Yes I work with the village idiots.