Monday, September 21, 2009

We are sitting in our rec room last evening, K on the computer, E and myself watching a show she had been waiting for all day Look a Like. This show takes ordinary people like ourselfs (ok so I am not ordinary) and do a make over on them to make them look like a star. Last night it was Kristen Stewart from Twillight. Of course, E is one of the biggest Twillight fans. That is all she talkes about, posters on the wall, even wrote on my office calander (in my office) the opening date of New Moon. We during this make over they showed a clip from Twillight of Bella and Edward. We watch and then all of a sudden we hear 'CLAP CLAP CLAP' really loud clapping. It was E clapping and shouting WELL DONE. We just looked at her. She was almost in tears with emotion from the clip of the movie. AND YOU ALL THINK I AM ODD

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