Tuesday, September 1, 2009

People we meet in our life time

When I travel by plane I usually don't strick up conversations with the person sat next to me. I would rather taken that time to myself and read, nap, watch some tv/movie. During my recent travels, the lady in the seat next to me struck up a little conversation. First it was a comment that the book I was reading was the same one her husband was reading (2 seats over from me). We laughed. We made idle chit chat. She said where she was going and I said where I had been. Her husband asked about our summer and the weather. I told him the story about our new veggie garden and how we finished planting it at 6pm one evening and at 7 it started raining and it didn't stop for 2 1/2 weeks and now I only have 1 potato. We laughed. He looked like a business man of some sorts, clean shaven, fresh hair cut, nice business casual clothes. The flight took of and we did our own thing. As the plane landed and I took my purse of the floor, the lady commented that my purse had caught her eye (thanks B for the beautiful purse for my birthday) I told her where I had gotten it. For some reason I asked what they did for a living and she told me they were farmers. I was surprised, as this man did not look like your typical farmer. I asked how many acres they had and the wife said 27; pause; then she finished with thousand acres. Yes 27,000 acres. I almost fell of the plane. Here I was talking about my one potato and my farming failure and there they were dreaming of their fields of wheat, flax, etc. I guess I looked like a bit of a country bumpkin to them HAHA.

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