Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Yesterday we finished painting my doors up stairs. Only had the paint 10 months but it is done. Now we are painting my craft room/office. Pink Barney paint - nothing but the best. My husband takes old paints and mixes them all in a big bucket and we always have this hidious pink primer. One thing is for sure you sure appreciate nice color after priming with this stuff.

Ok so I figured how to add a photo but can't figure how to rotate it HA

Monday, September 28, 2009

Fur Balls

Everytime I do a cough - clear your throat type of cough, one of the guys "P" feels the need to yell fur ball. Embarrassing or what but I just tell him to give it up. Well last week, we were do interviews for a position we have available here at our office. One of the ladies came in and I was in the middle of something so didn't get to the door to greet her. She made the misteak of "clearing her throat" to get someone's attention. What does "P" do but scream out FUR BALL. I don't think she will be back.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Happy I have Plumbing

Just had a call from girlfriend and when she finished telling me her story I said "I am happy I have plumbing" and I feel that is something good for this day.

E went to her fathers 65th birthday last evening. Her daugher and boyfriend flew in from Montreal for the occasion (his first time in NS). Her other 2 daughters and boyfriends all boarded their vehicles to head out over the highway for the 1 1/2 hour drive to the big "party". E always tells me that her family is rednecks but you sort of laugh it of. Well when I talked to her this am to see how things went she told me this. While down in her parents community she needed to go to the washroom. She stopped by her sisters trailer. Post little establishment with old cars and odds and sods in the yard. E told her kids to all STAY IN THE CAR. She went in. Her sister had taken the washroom and a bedroom and made it into one large washroom. She had brand new plywood on the floor and a new toilot, sink and bathtub. Her sister proceeded to tell her that they had no running water, so showed her how to take the outside hose and wash down the toilot. She said if E didn't feel like cleaning/flushing the toilot she could leave her "doings" for later and someone else would wash it down. And best of all when E was finished she was just take the same hose and put it in the sink and wash her hands. Poor E was mortified. She then took the kids to a new local pub for supper before the big party. She told the kids when they got to the party not to eat the sandwiches because they were probably made early in the morning and now not fit to eat. The party got underway, with everyone arriving, with moonshine in hand. Yes moonshine. Actually some of them had been drinking moonshine all afternoon so were already drunk by the time the party started. Live band and all - all the local musicians (all over the age of 65) playing all night. What a time. E got out of there by 10:30 before the first fight broke out HAHAHA. I guess I should also say Happy I am not a Redneck

Monday, September 21, 2009

We are sitting in our rec room last evening, K on the computer, E and myself watching a show she had been waiting for all day Look a Like. This show takes ordinary people like ourselfs (ok so I am not ordinary) and do a make over on them to make them look like a star. Last night it was Kristen Stewart from Twillight. Of course, E is one of the biggest Twillight fans. That is all she talkes about, posters on the wall, even wrote on my office calander (in my office) the opening date of New Moon. We during this make over they showed a clip from Twillight of Bella and Edward. We watch and then all of a sudden we hear 'CLAP CLAP CLAP' really loud clapping. It was E clapping and shouting WELL DONE. We just looked at her. She was almost in tears with emotion from the clip of the movie. AND YOU ALL THINK I AM ODD

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

People we meet in our life time

When I travel by plane I usually don't strick up conversations with the person sat next to me. I would rather taken that time to myself and read, nap, watch some tv/movie. During my recent travels, the lady in the seat next to me struck up a little conversation. First it was a comment that the book I was reading was the same one her husband was reading (2 seats over from me). We laughed. We made idle chit chat. She said where she was going and I said where I had been. Her husband asked about our summer and the weather. I told him the story about our new veggie garden and how we finished planting it at 6pm one evening and at 7 it started raining and it didn't stop for 2 1/2 weeks and now I only have 1 potato. We laughed. He looked like a business man of some sorts, clean shaven, fresh hair cut, nice business casual clothes. The flight took of and we did our own thing. As the plane landed and I took my purse of the floor, the lady commented that my purse had caught her eye (thanks B for the beautiful purse for my birthday) I told her where I had gotten it. For some reason I asked what they did for a living and she told me they were farmers. I was surprised, as this man did not look like your typical farmer. I asked how many acres they had and the wife said 27; pause; then she finished with thousand acres. Yes 27,000 acres. I almost fell of the plane. Here I was talking about my one potato and my farming failure and there they were dreaming of their fields of wheat, flax, etc. I guess I looked like a bit of a country bumpkin to them HAHA.